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The Offices of the Doctors Pomfrey | Since 1717

Sorting Details
Business Name: The Offices of the Doctors Pomfrey

Current Owner: Dr. Hippocrates Pomfrey & Dr.

Contact Player: Kayte ()

Hiring: No

Threadable: Yes

Basic Information

Established: Date (can be year or more specific than that) the business was established

Location: Diagon Alley, London

Nature of Business:
Medical services, offering remedies for both conventional (muggle) and magical (bugs, poisonings) complaints.

Target Clientele:
House calls offered to mid-high UC; walk-in members of the MC and lower UC welcome.

Other Details

Description of Location:

The Offices of the Doctors Pomfrey

There have been Doctors Pomfrey for at least four generations, and for just as long, the Diagon Alley offices have stood, offering remedies for both conventional (muggle) and magical (bugs, poisonings) complaints. In 1878, they expanded with a door into Hogsmeade and in 1890, with one into Sanditon Terrace. Their services, though, have never been inexpensive: only the wealthiest (UC) can afford house calls—which, indeed, consists of the bulk of the doctors’ income—while walk-in services and appointments are affordable only to the comfortable members of the middle and upper classes.

Three ‘front’ doors open onto a small entryway with a handful of comfortable chairs and a small hearth. Each of the doors opens to a different destination: the left to North Bartonburg, Hogsmeade; the right to Sanditon Terrace; and the main and grandest to Diagon Alley itself—not an inexpensive arrangement. Off of this entry area is a set of stairs leading to the second floor (workroom, study) and two doors leading each to an office-cum-examination room.

In addition to the two doctors, one of which is always on premises weekdays from 9 o’clock until 6 o’clock, the offices employ two nurses, one during the day and one overnight, and a house elf called Asclepius.

Other Notes: Also has two doors connecting it to other locations—one in Hogsmeade and one at Sanditon Terrace