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Evergardens | Since (1888)

Sorting Details
Business Name: Sprout's Evergardens (more commonly known as simply 'Evergardens')

Current Owner: Ezra Sprout

Contact Player:

Hiring: Check with Owner

Threadable: Yes

Basic Information

Established: 1888

Location: London

Nature of Business:
Evergardens serves as a hub for the Sprout family business though the main attraction is the large iron and glass greenhouse containing three levels, each with different rooms housing various plant life from around the world. The greenhouse is open to the public (with exception to the top level) to stroll about at their leisure. It occasionally hosts seasonal events, such as charity balls and masquerades, but can also be used as a venue for private gatherings such as weddings, ceremonies, seminars and the like.

In addition to the greenhouse, the Sprouts also are available for consulting of the following:
  • bespoke greenhouse construction & design
  • landscape, lawn and garden design
  • foliage illness & pest treatment
  • curation/education of exotic plants & foliage from around the globe

Target Clientele:
For the Greenhouse: Any member of the public, however decorum and proper polite etiquette is expected to be followed.
For Additional Services: Price & availability upon request

Welcome to Evergardens
Launched in 1888, Sprout's Evergardens is, from the outside, a large glass greenhouse located in Wizarding London. However, like many buildings in Wizarding Society, the greenhouse is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. It sports three levels, each with different rooms housing various plantlife from around the world. Most rooms are accessible to the public, however there are a select few which are kept closed and private (enter them if you dare). While guests may take a turn about the greenhouse at their leisure, there are many employees within the gardens that are available for any questions about the plant-life.

Personal guided tours are available upon request.

All levels host a variety of plants that can be walked among at a leisurely pace. The main floor consists of a mixture of cobblestones and red brick. Winding throughout the greenhouse is a babbling brook which spans all three levels and branches out to a few ponds. Iron benches are scattered along the brook's shore should they want to take a respite. Arched iron bridges scattered throughout to let the water flow freely. Each individual room can be accessed by locating iron arches on the sides of the greenhouse. Each arch sports the name of the room behind it. The pathways are clearly marked, however it's not uncommon for them to wind around and for patrons to get confused.

The second floor plays host to a modest tearoom where guests can take a brief respite before continuing on their journey through the greenhouse.

Lush foliage spills out from the iron lattice-work barriers while a temperate breeze flows at a constant rate throughout the multiple floors. While most of the plants are quite harmless (save those within the Poison Garden), there are a few plants lining the paths that are more curious than the others. The occasional vine will drift down from the rafters to investigate patrons. At nighttime, glowing orbs similar to those in Padmore Park are illuminated above the pathways and plants. Some drift of their own accord, and others stay put. During the holiday season the greenhouse is strung with fairy lights, and the arches are decorated with pine leaves and holly berries (and the occasional mistletoe).

Greenhouse Directory
greenhouse fauna — services providedhiring opportunities
level one
water lilies | mazes | perennial garden
level two
stone garden | tea room | moon pool
level three
mandrake room | poison garden | medicinal & herbal garden

Evergardens Fauna
While Evergardens is mainly a greenhouse, there are a few animals to be found on the premises. All of the species present are considered to harbor a small amount of magical qualities. There are small pouches available for purchase at the beginning for patrons to interact with the animals (at their own risk).

Butterflies and hummingbirds inhabited the place early on and could not be vacated. While the butterflies float freely around to pollinate the occasional flower, do mind the hummingbirds...the male hummingbirds can get a little territorial during mating season (March-July) and may dive-bomb anyone wearing particularly decorative hats.

A variety of koi float lazily throughout the ponds and brook. Small tins magically appear if it's feeding time; guests may dispense some feed (dry little spheres) and sprinkle it on the water if they wish. The koi are fairly harmless, though they may charge at anyone invading their territory — again, during mating season (May-June) — and change to a dark blue color to blend into their surroundings. If you can't see the koi and you're near the waterline, it might be time to back away slowly.

Contributing to the sounds of chirping hummingbirds and the magical waterfalls is the occasional chirruping trill of quails. While often heard, they are rarely seen on the path and tend to stay hidden behind the foliage. Bestowed with the magical power of teleportation, they may misjudge their mark and appear in the middle of the path. Step on them and you'll be treated to a vigorous pecking, accompanied by a distress call.

Last but not least, Philomena Sprout's two animal familiars are the most social of all the animals. Orion is a Eurasian Kestrel whereas Tchaikovsky (Chai/Tchai) is a magical Russian Red Fox. Where either animal is found, Phie is often not far away. Both animals know to leave the other inhabitants of the greenhouse alone, but that doesn't prevent the fox from chasing the occasional quail around the greenhouse. In retaliation, they gang up on Tchaikovsky and chase him back to Philomena.

Evergardens Services
bespoke greenhouse construction & design foliage illness & pest treatment
landscape, lawn and garden design event venue for occasions of any size/caliber
offers exotic plants & foliage from around the globe

Evergardens Staff
Owners The Sprout Family
Manager ———
Welcome Witch Philomena Sprout
Gardeners ———
Tearoom Staff ———

Level One
The Water Lilies — The room is circular, with the pathway winding all the way around a large pool filled with giant lily pads; some are flowering, however others are not. In a muggle greenhouse, these might only be for decorative purposes, however at Evergardens, they're able to take the weight of a human being. At the four compass-points are small platforms to step onto. A railing of vines float from the cieling to aid those venturing across. The flowering water lilies close and open throughout the day. Visitors to this room are advised to cross the pond with care — some of the younger lily pads may not be as sturdy as others...

The Mazes — Patrons seeking a bit of a challenge might seek out the Maze room first. Much like the brick wall at Diagon Alley, the walls of the maze are sensitive to a certain combination of taps. The key to learning the combination resides in various riddles inscribed on marble pillars at specific "dead ends". Difficulty of the riddles are posted at the door. Small potted plants with instructions tied around them are gifted to those who complete the challenge. These plants will vary depending on the season.

The Perennial Garden — The most fragrant of rooms in the entire greenhouse. Instead of the regular stone pathway, guests will be greeted with a lush, winding grass pathway where a variety of flowers spill just barely over the borders of the walkway. Also one of the most romantic places in the greenhouse, this room has been witness to many proposals (both successful and failed). Magical self-playing instruments may be hired to play music during a stroll. Multiple trellis archways adorn the walkway, spilling with vines and enchanted flowers.

Level Two
The Stone Garden — The room with the least amount of foliage, the stone garden is home to a variety of marble statues some of which move and others which don't. This room is split-level for patrons to peruse, with the lower level consisting of a majority of the moving statues. Most will be extremely polite, however despite the room's elegance and the statue's keenness to converse, do keep in mind any hurried, whispered conversations can be wildly misinterpreted.

The Tea Room — Found at the opposite end of the greenhouse, the tea room is in a separate glasshouse dome all together. It's modestly-sized, fitted to seat around 15-20 people at a time. The interior is also themed to a lush, overgrown garden with grecian columns covered in vines of ivy on the perimeter and a large marble fountain at the center. On the menu is a rotating list of teas and cakes courtesy of the Ivy Leaf Bakery, with sweets and hot chocolate courtesy of Honeyduke's.

The Moon Pool — The darkest room in the greenhouse is by no means bleak. The walls are bewitched to resemble a night sky, however the moon cycle and weather conditions mirror that of the real outdoors above Evergardens. A small island sits in the middle, surrounded by still water. In the water are different varieties of koi swimming around. Two opposing bridges allow guests to make their way across the water and onto the island, where a wishing well stands in the middle.

Level Three
Healers, hospital workers and potioneers are prioritized entry. Regular Access into the third level of Evergardens must be personally granted by the family and requires a monthly fee of 3G5s. Proof of profession (or internship) is required, and all who use the rooms must sign a magical contract and waiver acknowledging the potential danger encountered on the third floor. Membership may be withdrawn at the discretion of the owners if mistreatment of the Garden is suspected. While it is requested that attendees bring their own supplies, there's a limited stash of them just in case.

The Mandrake Room — A seemingly simple room with six aisles of mandrakes; each aisle contains mandrakes at different stages of their life. Upon first entering, patrons step into a small room where earmuffs are provided. After the earmuffs are donned, they may step into the room with the mandrakes.

The Poison Garden — A surprisingly bright and sunny room for the potential danger that it houses. Entrants must don magical respirators and gloves that are to be returned on the way out.

The Medicinal & Herbal Garden — Specializing in medicinal plants from around the globe, this garden houses a wealth of herbs and foliage often used in many ancient healing practices from cultures around the world.