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One of five identical journals spelled to only be legible by , , , , and .

What is written in one appears in all.

30 Dec 1893
It would seem all one needs to avoid speaking Goblin is a junior employee looking for advancement.
- E 

30th December, 1893
Shame. I was looking forward to the next wizard-goblin war.

How fares the old vegetable?

December 31st

He's curious, but he's not very mobile. Seems irritated.

Edwin, I'm delighted for you!

& to all, a very happy new year

There may yet be a war - he could be insulting their mothers or inciting a riot and I would be none the wiser. Sometimes under my personal letterhead.

April 22nd

Father thinks he will be more mobile soon. Unclear if the nurse agrees.

In a languid and slightly tilted scrawl:

Do you think fatter would notice if I moved to the colonies?