
Full Version: Let's Talk About Health, Baby
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It's been a day, so I'll try and be coherent with this question lol: considering hospital/healthcare systems in the wizarding world vs muggle world and factoring how the VE often had charities for hospitals, what would healthcare for different classes look like on Charming? xDD
Better potion ingredients are prioritized for UC patients?? Better patient accommodations for long-term stays? IDK anything about hospitals besides some patient and family member experiences so xD
Wealthy people would typically have in-home care for everything.
Assuming wizards have public healthcare?

Wealthier you are, the more likely you can just hire in-house care. For Hyacinth, during her most sickly months as a baby she was at St. Mungos, but since she mainly has a private healer that comes and sees her if she's not doing too great for whatever reason. It's more private, the healer has built a rapport with the family, and they can focus on her as an individual.

Middle class has such a huge range that it might depend on where they fall? Upper Middle Class might be healers themselves, can go to the hospitals, might be able to afford less expensive in-house care, and whatnot. They probably can afford to take time off to see a healer. The further toward Lower Middle Class you go the less options are available and the more likely they might run into some of the same issues as the working class.

The Working Class's biggest problem is they can't afford to get sick. Regardless if there is public or private healthcare, missing a single day of work to see a healer just may not be an option for them. So they probably don't go unless it's really serious. They go to the hospitals, would never be able to afford in-house care without someone helping pay for it, and perhaps may resort to using their own knowledge of potions and magic to fix themselves up. It's quick and dirty, but as long as they can still get up and go to work tomorrow, it will have to do.