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October 21, 1893 — Annual East Ridge Farm Harvest Celebration; Plunkett Farm
Owain had been drawn to the floating apple bobbing and was now taking his turn. It was him against another man whom Owain had given a friendly nod of the head to. He was competitive but he mostly left that on the Quidditch Pitch, not a friendly apple bobbing contest. That didn't mean he wasn't going to do his best though.

He had not realized it but he had accidentally moved a little too close towards the other and they both went for the same apple, causing a collision of foreheads. Owain could swear he saw stars as he fell back from the other. Ouch, it already felt like he was growing a sizable goose egg where his head had collided with the other. "Are you okay?" He couldn't help but ask for a laugh once he was certain that his head was all right.
open to a male character sizable enough to at least have hit Owains forehead with his own/caused some damage
His mother had made him go to this; she was starting to become Concerned. Lester didn't understand why she was just now becoming concerned; he was just as miserable now as he'd been in July. (This was perhaps the point she'd been trying to make.) So she'd dragged him out, and now he was here, and the apple bobbing concept had almost seemed fun. (And it was certainly exciting to have a professional Quidditch player nod at him before they played!

Lester maybe would have thought better of this if he'd known their heads would collide on the way down. "Ouch," Lester said, taking a stumbling step back. "I'm alright, yourself?" he said, putting a hand on his forehead where he could feel a maybe-bruise forming.
[quote="Owain Edwards" pid='122915' dateline='1698977695']
"Think I will have a goose egg but nothing worse than when a bludger has made contact," Owain assured the younger man. He peered at the other and could not help but wince as he saw the tell-tale signs of a blossoming bruise. "Looks like that is going to bruise, sorry about that."
Lester was charmed at the thought of being no worse than a bludger. He smiled at Edwards and reached up to touch the tender spot on his own forehead where the bruise was forming. "It's alright," Lester said. He had pretty immediately decided that the collision was his fault — Edwards played professional Quidditch and so he had to be more graceful than Lester was.
"You're being so gracious that it is making me feel bad," he couldn't resist teasing. Still, he was grateful that this hadn't turned into a bigger issue. After all, they were all just trying to have some fun. "I think its safe to say this apple bobbing became a draw."
Lester grinned again. It was nice to be talking to someone who didn't know him before Sloane's death. "Deal," he said cheerfully. "Do you want to go again, or call it?"
"Why don't we go find what kind of drinks this place has on offer instead?" Owain said, not at all against seizing the chance to make a new friend. Never mind that the boy seemed to be a few years or so younger than him.
Lester was a little starstruck that a Quidditch player wanted to get drinks with him; it showed in the grin on his face. "Let's do it," he said brightly. "Lead the way?"
"Right this way," Owain said with a grin as he headed over to the spot that looked like it was selling various drinks. Did this technically count as 'corrupting the youths'? Owain didn't personally think so but the vibe was there, much to his personal amusement.
Lester, wanting to feel fashionable, ordered a cider drink with some hard liquor in it. He took a sip and stifled his reaction — it was a little sharper than he expected. "This is good," he said. It was good, even if it was more alcoholic than he'd anticipated.
Owain did his best to hide his amusement as the younger man ordered a cider drink with hard liquor. He personally got himself an apple cider with a bit of butterbeer mixed in. "Do you drink regularly?" He asked. He personally did so sparingly as he did not like the effect being drunk had on him or the morning afterwards.
"Not really," Lester answered. Drinking regularly felt like it was drinking more than other people — Lester didn't think he drank more than other adults. But he had also never particularly kept track of things. "Do you?"
"Not in particular," he answered with a smile. "I enjoy having my wits fully about me. And I appreciate not waking up with a headache."
Lester associated hangovers with that one party, which he had since come to associate with Sisse. His smiled waned for a beat, but came back as soon as he caught himself. "A smart man," he said, complimentary. "Especially given you spend time on broomsticks."
"Careful there, you might blow up my ego so much that I will be off balance on my broom," Owain chuckled as the other called him smart. "I have seen the down side of partaking a little too often." Drunken duels, elopements, misplaced love confessions... it sometimes all became quite dramatic.
"I've only started to see it," Lester admitted, with a small smile. Sure, his one hangover had been pretty catastrophic, but it was one hangover. "I finished Hogwarts this year."
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