November 3, 2023 – 2:14 AM
October 21, 1893 — Annual East Ridge Farm Harvest Celebration; Plunkett Farm
Owain had been drawn to the floating apple bobbing and was now taking his turn. It was him against another man whom Owain had given a friendly nod of the head to. He was competitive but he mostly left that on the Quidditch Pitch, not a friendly apple bobbing contest. That didn't mean he wasn't going to do his best though.He had not realized it but he had accidentally moved a little too close towards the other and they both went for the same apple, causing a collision of foreheads. Owain could swear he saw stars as he fell back from the other. Ouch, it already felt like he was growing a sizable goose egg where his head had collided with the other. "Are you okay?" He couldn't help but ask for a laugh once he was certain that his head was all right.