
Full Version: Magizoologist vs Veterinarian/Creature Healer?
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The muse that's been poking at me for the past few months is starting to make herself known even more vehemently, so I suppose it's time to throw out this question! The fact that Ive been watching Critter Fixers while I work also hasn't helped her latent muse, but what I'm wondering is if y'all have any ideas as to what exactly a magizoologist does vs a healer that works on animals exclusively? And what would we call that? xD

What little research I did says that magizoologist is kind of akin to a naturalist in that they primarily study and research as opposed to actually healing, but then again Newt seemed to tend to some of the animals' injuries and illnesses. Looking for any thoughts lol but specifically since y'all have magizoologists yourselves, did you have any particular thoughts on this?

The wiki says:

Quote:A Magizoologist was a wizard or witch who studied magical creatures professionally (a field known as magizoology); though they might also be referred to as wizarding naturalists. In certain cases, a Magizoologist's obligations might not be limited to merely observing and taking care of magical creatures, as they might even be immersed in sanctioned breeding, and even actively tracking and rescuing them from less-principled parties.

A wizard or witch might not need to have graduated from a wizarding school to become a Magizoologist, as Newt Scamander was expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and still managed to become a highly renowned Magizoologist in his adult life. Rubeus Hagrid also did not graduate from Hogwarts, but later became the Care of Magical Creatures Professor.

Which leads me to believe that vets and magizoologists might be different? Idk, we also have our own site lore (Podmore Zoo requiring trainee Magizoologists) but I wanted to see if we were all on the same page lmao
I feel like a creature healer is like a speciality within the category of magizoologist. Like, how there are healers but some specialize in plant & potion whereas some specialize in artifact damage. Some magizoologists focus on research or basic care like Newt and some focus on medicine.
At the begging of the 19th century vet medicine was still just people who knew a lot about animals including how to heal them.

The society for vetinary medicine started in 1863 to promote it as a stand alone field

Possibly by this stage it’s a speciality within mazizoology - small or large animal healing.?
I've always imagined Beau as a caretaker/researcher and less as a healer. He can heal his critters if/when the need arises, but it isn't what he does on a day to day basis if that makes sense?
Podmore Zoo occupations under Irvingly has specialist Creature Healers as separate to Magizoologist. Obvs there might be some crossover with field magizoologists, but what Cherry and Emma said basically!
Being that's what callas been wanting to do I've kind viewed it as a branch but she's started studying potions and healing spells on top of creatures.
Awesome thank you all for your input!! <33 it helps a lot! Sounds like consensus is there are creature healers and magi zoologists and there might be some cross over, but there are definite differences between the two.