If a man wanted to retire from curse breaking because it's dangerous and you have to travel a lot, and wanted to settle in one place to have a family or whatever, what sort of thing could they be qualified to transfer to? Assuming he has his N.E.W.T.s for it.
Professor spots - DADA, Ancient Runes, Charms, etc. Maybe a teaching role at the Flint Institute.
Ministry departments - accidental magic reversal, improper use of magic, maybe hit wizard if they were more "active" and focused on defensive magic as a cursebreaker
Maybe artifacts incident healer if they were more "support" / healing focused.
Author, researcher, etc.
When I decide to ruin my cursebreaker's life, I'll probably send her into the department of mysteries because she likes the puzzle solving aspect of it the most!
All of the above and also the Museum of Magical Miscellany roles (under London occupations)!
If they're WC, they might also offer themselves for some freelance cursebreaking for shadier establishments/neighbourhoods/organized crime!