
Full Version: Students throwing a Halloween party
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With all the grown ups out at the masquerade balls and otherwise enjoying the witchy festivities I wondered.

Would the students be allowed to throw a Halloween part of their own beyond the standard feast for Halloween. Nothing crazy, just music maybe a bit of fancy dress and children's party games like bobbing for apples and pin the tail on the basilisk?
So I think we would have to decide if we want professors to be able to attend the outside parties or have them chaperone an event at school! (Unless they are at different times of course!)

Phineas is allergic to fun, but as long as nobody bothers him and it's contained to the great hall or one of the greenhouses, it's all good!

You also need to decide if it's for all years, more like the harvest festival, or for the upper years 5-7 and more like a costume ball!
Bernadette is in mourning (technically) so she's not going to be leaving so as etiquette professor, she will chaperone any costume ball.
Also if any shenanigans happens, Dorian is also here for prefect duties and giving people detentions. And he's not in a great mood so be careful.
The Halloween feast is on Halloween proper and is canonically a pretty big thing (that, the welcome feast, and the end of year feasts are the only ones mentioned in the books).
I think the great hall is the best place as aren't the green houses full of plants and stuff? Would want it for all students more like the harvest festival but with costumes encouraged having it only for the newts seems mean haha.

Madame Delacour would be excellent as a chaperone. She is probably the teacher Violetta wants to impress the most as an etiquette professor and beauxbatons alumni. And prefects to keep the decorum would be a good idea.
I wasn't sure if that was more a party or just a large feast as I dint remember it from the films.
I’d suggest each individual club could also maybe host its own Halloween events? Maybe the Art club is doing pumpkin carvings, etc?
The greenhouse would be an excellent place for a spooky party, just add some gloomy lighting and a few cobwebs. I'm sure Mason won't leave out a Fanged Geranium or Chomping Cabbage plant (nor would any students setting up add any) for added mood.

I am very down for a party at Hogwarts, and I'm pretty sure the majority of students are under 5th year so it makes little sense to exclude them right now. Unless an enterprising 1st-3rd year writer is up for organizing another one.

, I didn't see your post until I posted. I don't know what Book Club president would do to organize anything, but I do feel like they'd be reading a themed book for the month at least. I love the idea of clubs having something to do this month.
(October 8, 2023 – 3:17 PM)Seneca Lestrange Wrote: [ -> ]I’d suggest each individual club could also maybe host its own Halloween events? Maybe the Art club is doing pumpkin carvings, etc?

Amarantha really didn’t want to go but if she has to be there to supervise potions club doing some spooky crafts she’ll put on some airs for the evening she supposes. xD
Yeah Iphigenia is not a party-planning club leader xD
(October 8, 2023 – 4:12 PM)Aldous Crouch Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah Iphigenia is not a party-planning club leader xD

Could they designate someone to do it for them because Ama really doesn't want to.
I can’t help on the club front, but Gus would also be available to chaperone them.