Could we handle the school board in the same way that we handle the WG? I just feel kinda sad that we never get some more IC reference outside of our characters potentially having personal vendettas against them. I know the staff value of the NPC component, but I also feel that we do get that from the WG since enough slots in that department are also NPC.
This has been a day in the Kelly Musings.
I'm curious what exactly you want them to do? It would be a nice foil for Phineas, as I love to vex him, but I'm not exactly sure what that would look like?
Maybe quarterly/yearly meetings, unless an emergency (read: halfbreed ban) is deemed appropriate? I suspect they work closely with the Ministry department of education. They could also host fundraisers and such. It also would be cool to say that influential characters are on the board in the same way that we do the WG so we can put faces to these faceless chess pieces sometimes.
Parents who are waaaaaaaaaaay too into their kids education - its the sort of thing that bored socialites would do 'on behalf of their husbands' -so their husbands hold the seat, but the women are the ones who actually do the meetings (to Black's further annoyance)
There is probably a requirement - at least in modern school boards that they must have kids at the school, or some other vested interest in the school, rather than just 'members of the public'
HI SO A COUPLE THINGS! First, from your friendly neighbourhood educator, a school board and board of governors are not actually the same thing! Super nitpicky but I felt the need to mention it :P
Now practically, I definitely get what you mean regarding the WG, but the BoG is much smaller. It's easy to NPC the Wizengamot in whatever capacity is needed because only a small fraction of its members are actually played. They're easy to work around! When you have a small Board of Governors the ratio of PC to NPC is much tighter allowing much less wiggle room.
(Also, having an NPC board of governors allows us to be a lot more open with the characters in professor roles.)