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So, we do class threads grouped into years, to allow for a larger amount of characters to participate, cause we often have only 1-2 characters in a single year. That being said, it has always been a bit of a pet peeve of mine, that 5th years seem to do the same class for a third year in a row. xD

I was thinking, that maybe on a day to day basis classes are done per year, but only for more 'major' topics, students are grouped together? As a refresher sort of thing, maybe the older students are expected to assist the younger ones, as well?

My other thought was that maybe years 1, 3 and 6 are largely for theory only, and years 2, 4, 5 and 7 are for practice only, so our threads are the more ~practice classes, and that's why everyone is participating.

ALSO RE: Electives, which I just thought about. Maybe they work as university courses do, so there's a OWL level one and a NEWT level one, but characters only need to take it for one year per bracket? So, for example, Tony could take Muggle Studies and Ghoul Studies in his 3rd year, then CoMC and Divination in his 4th, then Arithmancy for his 5th, but then for his 6th and 7th year, he would have needed to take an elective on an OWL level to be able to take it on a NEWT. So he could take Arithmancy, but not Ancient Runes, since he never took Ancient Runes in his OWL years. And this could give a nice explanation as to why a class has students from all years of OWL/NEWT. And you may ask, but is Tony going to take all 5 electives for his OWL? Since they are electives, he could choose which one he wants to examine in, depending on what he wants to pursue career-wise in his future?

Maybe this has been discussed already, I don't remember tbh, but I'd like to clear it up a bit!
(September 13, 2023 – 9:01 AM)Cleander Huxley Wrote: [ -> ]So, we do class threads grouped into years, to allow for a larger amount of characters to participate, cause we often have only 1-2 characters in a single year. That being said, it has always been a bit of a pet peeve of mine, that 5th years seem to do the same class for a third year in a row. xD

My initial thought was that the curriculum would rotate on a 2-3 year basis, so some students would do coursework A in their first year and others in their second year, but then all students would have complete coursework A and B for astronomy for example.

I do like the major/minor class ideas, though. The yearmates stay together but co-op with other years for the bigger assignments.
(September 13, 2023 – 4:51 PM)Millie Potts Wrote: [ -> ]My initial thought was that the curriculum would rotate on a 2-3 year basis, so some students would do coursework A in their first year and others in their second year, but then all students would have complete coursework A and B for astronomy for example.

This is how I've always ~seen it! Maybe with per-year assignments rather than full on lessons. Am currently double- and triple-fisting courses in a block and uh I would not have survived in a one-room schoolhouse :P
I am still not sure how this works with our all OWL students in a single classroom thing though.

Basically, the way things work now I’m not sure how it makes sense there’s 7 years and not 3, seeing how our class threads work.

Please explain it to me like I’m 5 :’)
OOC sense > IC sense in this specific instance.

It definitely would make more sense IC for them to be broken up by year, but with the exception of the HOLY BIG CLASS BATMAN first years, that simply was not about to happen :P

OWL level has three years of material to sift through. Think of it as sets of modules rather than a linear progression. All OWL charms students have to do A B C D E and F. If you don't do A and B in year 3, you'll do them in year 5 when it cycles back around to them!
Yeah I understand the OOC reasoning and I’m totally behind it, I just needed more clarification on how it works IC cause my brain needed the order.

It makes more sense in modules as you described it!! Personally, I’m in favour of years 1,3,6 being the “introductory theory” years, since anyway we won’t thread just the professor lecturing, and then the practical classes are those where everyone is involved. So IC there might still be classes where only s single year attends, but for our OOC purposes there’s the practice classes that we do for all years.