May 27, 2018 – 8:12 PM
— The —
Daily Prophet
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
26th May, 1888
Blazing Summer Predicted
A turn up for the weather
After a freezing winter and a diffident spring residents of the British Isles will be relieved to know that all predictions point towards a blistering summer. Britain is set to enjoy the warmest summer for ten years, temperatures will soar to heights of 87° with the upcoming Whitsunday holiday reaching 82°!
Our Weather Witches are advising those of a fairer complexion to keep a parasol handy and for those who wish to enjoy the cooling breeze of the sea this writer can heartily recommend the Sanditon resort. There is always something happening there and on the glorious days to come no doubt it will be filled to the brim!
Our Weather Witches are advising those of a fairer complexion to keep a parasol handy and for those who wish to enjoy the cooling breeze of the sea this writer can heartily recommend the Sanditon resort. There is always something happening there and on the glorious days to come no doubt it will be filled to the brim!
Gulliver Doran