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I wasn't sure where to post this, but I do have some questions concerning my character.

Firstly, I will point out that my character is a 1600 year old vampire (he's a beloved character I've been writing for years now) and this makes him a bit difficult to place in terms of class. He was born into an upper class family, but again that was 1600 years ago. His life has changed a lot since then. He's been mostly wandering and filling a variety of different roles in different societies, which indicated a fluctuation in which sort of classes in society he associated with. He's a foreigner and has recently settled in Britain because he was in love with a British man. Would this imply working class or something else?

Secondly, which sort of jobs would be suitable for a vampire? He's a former soldier and since then he has been filling many roles pertaining to this, such as bodyguard, mercenary, and even training others in martial arts like magic and swordsmanship. Again, I feel like his job would be determined by his class, but I simply have no idea which sort of class he would fit into.

This looks like a really great site so I look forward to joining in on the action as well!
Hi Jannah!!

Many of our vampire characters are classified as "working class" as they tend to exist ~outside of society. (Ex. !) Given what you provide on Augustus' backstory, I believe that would make the most sense for him as well!

Similarly, several of our on-board vampires have jobs outside of society - he could totally feasibly be a mercenary or otherwise have a semi-legal job! Many "proper" Occupations wouldn't hire vampires, but there's plenty of jobs in sketchier (for lack of a better term) settings that would. It's hard to give a specific answer here as it's so open-ended, but if you have a list of ideas you can PM me and I'm happy to peruse!

Thanks so much for asking questions - welcome to Charming!
Thank you for the prompt response!

I think I will take you up on that offer to PM you as I do have ideas that fit into my character's backstory. Just not sure how feasible they would be, given the setting. I originally created the character for a modern HP setting so I do have to change some slight details in his backstory a bit already.
Non-Staff here. My chaotic butt does want to offer the input that a vampire could be in other classes, though it takes a real good explanation and active effort on the character's part, especially financially. I got in my corner and he definitely put in the effort and was real careful with his money to keep it going.

(Please forgive me if I'm overstepping Beans! I'm just a nosy little bug and I wanna be useful. <3)
My character spent a lot of time associating with Byzantine and Ottoman nobility, but I don't think that on its own would make him one of them, hence the confusion. He's not a businessman or anything like that, but an old soldier.
If you haven't found it yet, you might also want to look over this vampire doc for how vampires work on Charming. The main thing about Charming vampires that are different from most other HP sites is that they lose their wizarding magic when turned.