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I just read this thread and this may never had relevance but I kinda want to know.

Do students reuse the same beds and rooms every year with essentially the first years using the rooms of last years graduating class and so on (that way the students return to familiar rooms every year) or are there rooms for each specific year group and every year you move into the the room allocated for your year group (aka first year rooms, third year rooms etc). I'm honestly thinking in terms of grafitti, legacies left behind that can't return to a blank setting, stuff left behind that maybe the house elves missed etc.

Im kinda being inspired by documentaries about grafitti and dating it (i.e Roman grafitti found in the baths and on the pyramids), and random writing found in random places.
Quote:Do students reuse the same beds and rooms every year with essentially the first years using the rooms of last years graduating class and so on (that way the students return to familiar rooms every year)

This is my headcanon. I don't think it's ever explicitly addressed in canon. But each year isn't guaranteed to have the same number of students and I imagine it's just less hassle to leave the beds from last year rather than reshuffling everything all the time and maybe applying new expansion charms to fit the extra beds for that one year group that has ten Gryffindor boys or whatever :P