
Full Version: Regarding the Use of Muggle Items
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As I play the Muggle Studies Professor, I have some questions about certain muggle items being used at Hogwarts for demonstration purposes in the classroom. It's been said that electronics don't work in Hogwarts but I wonder if there are alternatives or how it stretches to other technology that don't necessarily use electricity?

For instance, a typewriter - the old models didn't use electricity, could they be used? A gramophone, some were controlled by cranks such as the 1890 edition and not electricity - could that be used? As an alternative, would it work if Thomas charmed it to play and then explain how muggles got it to work?

So I guess my question is - do mechanical but not electric items work and if an item is electric, can it be charmed to work via magic and then be explained by Thomas about the muggle way?
I would say yes! The thing with electricity I believe has to do with the electrical currents/frequencies/whatever (disclaimer: not an expert on Physics) is messing with the ~energy of magic and that's why it doesn't work.

Also, regarding Muggle Studies purposes, maybe the classroom is specifically charmed to cancel out the magical frequencies? Which I know doesn't make sense, but basically how cables are made out of materials that don't attract electricity. Or that Benjamin Franklin experiment. IDK how to explain it :P

Or what you said, an item that uses electricity could be charmed to act as it would with the electrical energy.

Basically, my understanding that magic might be just another energy just like electricity and the like that wizards might be a human antennae to.

I was imagining this soundtrack/scene from Oppenheimer while typing this :P
Yes, I'd say anything that doesn't use electricity is 100% fair game!