
Full Version: The Lottie Chronicles
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June 5th, 1893
— Hello —

Greetings for anyone that may read this! Are you a descendant of mine? A nosy Nelly? I hope you aren't trying to find something secretive because that is not what this is about! I hope that people read this one day, that I can share fun stories, maybe some laughs, and general insight from my experiences, as the all of it transpires! I hope that this can help my daughters through their hard days, if I have any. If so, hi girls! Sweethearts? Oh my goodness, you'll get to see me work through all of that too! Anyway, this is for you. Anyone who needs it, anyone who wants to see the life of me. Enjoy!

— Lottie —
June 8th, 1893
— Hello —

I'm beginning to worry about Charlie. He's studying so much already. It's summer! My advice is that one should maintaine a well rounded schedule. Socialize and have fun! Help where you can, especially for your friends. Well, Charlie's help is likely studying and making flashcards. Goodness, my sweet brother can be so dull. If you're reading this, sorry Charlie! Please try to have fun this summer.

— Lottie —

Doodles and scribbled out drawings can be found all around the page and even between written lines. Most notable is a small beach scene that's not all too accurate.
June 13th, 1893
— Hello —

I wonder if I can get mama to meet one of my more handsome professors. Professor Skeeter? He's dashing! Mama might say that he's too young though. I'll ask Effie. He would be a second husband though, so does it matter? She already has two children. It might be nice to have some more siblings though! Would Mama let me name one of my siblings? Oh my goodness, that sounds so fun! I hope my husband lets me pick out names.

Anyway. That's all of the professors that are single that I can think of. One. Well, maybe one of the ladies is single, but that isn't really possible. I think Professor Lissington and Professor Foxwood are possibly single, but I think they are even younger.

I wonder if there are any handsome single men in the Hospital that Mama may like.

— Lottie —

Doodles and scribbled out drawings can be found all around the page and even between written lines. Most notable are how many little hearts are drawn over the pages.