
Full Version: Whatever happened to the Carnival?
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We've got the annual show in town and I just realised that i havent seen Summer Solstice Carnival around. Whatever happened to them? Or have they been permanently banned because of the chaos of the Laughing Plague and following Fire? What follows next is me wanting a Fair or Show to come to either Irvingly or Hogsmeade because the show, and the races was a fairly common part of village life and an Event where everyone got dressed in finery etc. This may be additionally influenced by having read charlottes web again and Daphne from Brigertons judging debacle....

I also would love us to do races for community mingles (probably not horse races? But maybe broomstick races? Maybe with tiered age and skill classes? Maybe Quidditch related or sponsors show up to scout potential talent) but i suppose that would just be an event regulalry scheduled by a patron or something that probably makes money off the gambling or entry fees.
The Summer Solstice Carnival were not banned because of the plague and fire. I think its just a case of staff having been especially busy to orchestrate plots relating to it. And ic speaking, they dont always come to Hogsmeade, if I remember correctly since theyre a traveling carnival (staff would know better than I though, thats just been my working assumption).

From the time line July 1888: Having been delayed by the fog the Summer Solstice Fesitval belatedly returns to Hogsmeade for the first time since the Laughing Plague in 1884.

And with the flying ban in place, a flying event could be some disgruntled sponsors protest against it. Since they wouldn't be able to do it in Hogsmeade, they could do it at the Sanditon (since Irvingly has no magic in public laws and broom race around town would be pushing it.) though that might be seen as in poor taste since Sloane died over water.