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Application Templates

Please fill in the appropriate application template and post it as a new thread in this forum with the character’s name as the title. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our staff team!

Please be advised: at Charming, we ask that you wait three days between the approval of one application and the posting of the next, OR post your most recent character 3+ times in-character.

For HUMAN Characters:
<center><div style="width: 95%; padding: 2%; text-align: left; border: 3px #454545 double;">
<div class="thead" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">In-Character</div>
<b>Full Name:</b> First, middle, last
<b>Nicknames:</b> If any
<b>Birthdate:</b> Month, day, year
<b>Current Age:</b> ? Years
<b>Gender:</b> Actual and, if different, perceived
<b>Occupation:</b> If any
<b>Reputation:</b> Appropriate number 1-10 & why
<b>Residence:</b> Where do they currently live?
<b>Hogwarts House:</b> Either current or former. If future or for those who did not attend Hogwarts, simply write 'unknown'
<b>Wand:</b> ex. holly, 11", supple, single phoenix tail feather
<b>Blood Status:</b> Pure, half, muggle
<b>Social Class:</b> Upper, middle, working
<b>Family:</b> Optional.
<b>Appearance:</b> Don't forget to mention height, build, wand hand, clothing, etc.
<b>History:</b> Highlight important events. Hogsmeade was established in 1877.
<b>Personality:</b> Can be as short as 3-4 words!
<b>Other:</b> Any other information you want to include.
<b>Sample Roleplay Post:</b> At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.
<div class="thead" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Out-of-Character</div>
<b>Name:</b> Or Alias
<b>Age:</b> here
<b>Contact:</b> If any: Discord, PM, E-mail, etc.
<b>Other Characters:</b> If any
<b>How did you hear about us?:</b> where or who?

See it in action:

For NON-HUMAN Characters:
<center><div style="width: 95%; padding: 2%; text-align: left; border: 3px #454545 double;">
<div class="thead" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">In-Character</div>
<b>Full Name:</b> First, middle, last
<b>Nicknames:</b> If any
<b>Birthdate:</b> Month, day, year
<b>Current Age:</b> ? Years
<b>Gender:</b> Actual and, if different, perceived
<b>Race:</b> Centaur, Mer, Vampire, House-Elf, Ghost, Goblin, Veela, Hag
<b>Occupation:</b> If any
<b>Reputation:</b> Appropriate number 1-10 & why
<b>Residence:</b> Where do they currently live?
<b>Social Class:</b> Upper, middle, working
<b>Appearance:</b> Be sure to read the appropriate documentation to ensure their appearance matches their species!
<b>History:</b> Highlight important events. Hogsmeade was established in 1877.
<b>Personality:</b> Can be as short as 3-4 words!
<b>Other:</b> Any other information you want to include.
<b>Sample Roleplay Post:</b> At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.
<div class="thead" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Out-of-Character</div>
<b>Name:</b> Or Alias
<b>Contact:</b> If any: Discord, PM, E-mail, etc.
<b>Other Characters:</b> If any
<b>How did you hear about us?:</b> where or who?

See it in action:

For PORTRAIT Characters:
<center><div style="width: 95%; padding: 2%; text-align: left; border: 3px #454545 double;">
<div class="thead" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">In-Character</div>
<b>Full Name:</b> Could be an actual name, or something more descriptive like “The Fat Lady”.
<b>Painted In:</b> What year was it painted?
<b>Location:</b> Where does it hang? Portraits may visit other frames in the same building. Please note whether or not that exact same portrait has other locations for visitation.
<b>Hung In:</b> When was it hung here?
<b>Occupation:</b> If any
<b>Physical Description:</b> Is he/she/it the only resident of the frame? What do they look like? What does the background look like?
<b>History:</b> Any of the character’s fictionalized background, what they’ve endured since their painting, etc.
<b>Personality:</b> Can be as short as 3-4 words!
<b>Other:</b> Any other information you want to include.
<b>Sample Roleplay Post:</b> At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.
<div class="thead" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Out-of-Character</div>
<b>Name:</b> Or Alias
<b>Age:</b> here
<b>Contact:</b> If any: AIM, MSN, PM, E-mail, etc.
<b>Other Characters:</b> If any
<b>How did you hear about us?:</b> where or who?

See it in action: