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December 31, 1892 - London @The Sugarplum Ball earlier in the evening

"My lady." Everett bowed to his wife as he joined her at the edge of the dance floor, a glass of champagne held out as an offering to her. As she took it Everett moved to stand next to her looking out at the crowd around them and taking a sip of his own drink. "What do you think of the decorations?" He had no eye for such but even he felt they were rather overboard. His wife, he was sure, would have a very strong opinion on the matter however and he dearly loved to see her relax as she did when she spoke of things she held a strong opinion on.
Had Verity not been maintaining a relatively jovial mood since Christmas, she might have thought the extravagance of the evening was a bit much. Instead, she was rather amused by the gigantic lollipops, peppermints and falling snow in a way she could only describe as childlike. It'd been years since she was last delighted by Christmas, perhaps being free of her family's grief and struggles was beneficial in more ways than one.

She remained close to Everett's side throughout the evening, straying only once to say hello to her mother before returning. It was upon her return that she accepted the glass of champagne with a brief chuckle. "It's a bit much, I suppose. I think it's rather fitting for the holidays, though. When else can we support decorations this outlandish?"
Everett had always had the sense that Verity was much more inclinded toward elegance than large displays of a theme, the way she had remodeled their house had secured this sentiment in his mind. So her answer surprised him for a moment before he considered the decorations he had woken up to on Christmas morning. There was a bit of child in Verity Swann after all, he decided. Such joy was charming on her and he wished she would show it more often.

"So you support it then?" He teased with approval richening his voice. He took another sip of his drink, the light catching in Verity's dark hair adding to the charm she already had. Everett had always been attracted to his wife, she was gorgeous. How could he not be? But the warmth of this charming aura around her felt new. Like something had kindled Christmas morning and was only just catching to flame now.

He twirled the glass in his hands thoughtfully looking at the contents before glancing back at his wife with a mischevious grin, "Would you support outlandish actions too then? Or only decorations?"
"In small doses, yes." She admitted with a blush. If every party were to start resembling the likes of this her opinion would quickly change. But for now, tonight, it was tolerable - no. More than tolerable, it was fun. In the year she waited to debut, Verity had a lot of time to envision her marriage. A wealthy gentleman, preferably one of Society's more eligible bachelors. The list of her qualifications were endless and yet she had never considered that her husband might be the sort to bring about joy.

Somehow, rather miraculously, they'd gone from being acquaintances to friends to ... close friends? She wasn't entirely sure how to qualify him now. Not when he was grinning like that anyhow.

His question caught her a bit off guard, a fact she hid behind her sip of champagne. "What sort of outlandish actions?"
Was that an actual blush on his wife's face? It made her seem so alive, so very real. There were times when she seemed more like someone on a stage than a real person, but here, now... he liked this side of her. He was proud to be her husband. Suspecting there was a rather Cheshire cat smile on his face he hid it with a long gulp of the champagne.

"The sort that involves dancing with one's wife." He and Verity hadn't danced at an event since their wedding. He always tried to give her the space she would want. But tonight he was feeling daring. He held out his arm in invitation.
Delighted, Verity discarded her near empty glass on a passing waiter's tray and eagerly accepted his outstretched arm. "Outlandish indeed. A right scandal." She laughed. The only time they'd danced was at their wedding, a rather solemn event compared to tonight. In fact, Verity couldn't remember any other moment throughout the past year where things felt so light between them. It was almost as though they'd suddenly crossed the threshold into a true marriage.

Amazingly enough, she wasn't entirely opposed to the idea.

They took their places on the floor, her gaze never leaving his.
At her acceptance he downed the rest of his glass and followed Verity's actions by also putting his drink on the servant's tray. Her words had him chuckling. "How ever shall we survive the talk of it?" He winked at her, for once not fearing the allusion to their reason for marrying.

Verity held his gaze as the music started. He bowed to her and then began to lead her through the steps. The candlelight was shimmering off her, her eyes warm and bright, she seemed so much more relaxed this evening. He wished she were like this every day. If all it took was taking her to balls, dancing with her, well he'd do it. He'd do anything because he was desperate for Verity to love him as he loved her.

It hit him then. He loved his wife. How had he not known? How had that passed by without him realizing it. He had always thought he'd know it when it happened and yet he hadn't. This revalation made him bold and the words tipped over his lips before he could consider the wisdom of them. "You look beautiful like this."
Verity couldn't remember the last time she felt this at ease in a crowded space. Large gatherings usually set her nerves on edge and made her leery of everyone around them. However, tonight it was as though Everett and she were dancing in an empty room. She had eyes for none other but her husband, her gallant and handsome husband.

"It's your influence on me, you make me happy." She murmured in response to his compliment. Verity had always known she was beautiful in the vain and ambitious sort of sense. She was attractive which meant she would one day use her looks to secure a husband. Everything was different with Everett, though. She never thought about being beautiful or the unrelenting need to succeed, she could simply just be.
Everett's heart soared. All he had wanted since they'd married, even before it, was to make it happy. A broad grin crept over his lips. "I'll do anything to make you happy." He promised fervently. Anything. If only she kept smiling like that.
His statement was a fact so obvious that Verity was stunned she hadn't noticed it before. Everett was under no obligation to whisk her away on a perfect honeymoon, nor allow her to make limitless alterations to their home or any of the other wishes he'd granted throughout the past year. He hadn't even insisted they consummate the marriage despite it being his every right to. Her happiness and wellbeing had been his first priority and she'd been too blind to see it.

"What of you? Are you happy?" She asked, too flustered by her sudden realization to think of anything witty.
The moment seemed to still, the laughing lightness gone. Her brow furrowed for a moment and concern settled on her face. He had never seen Verity truly consider if he were happy and this sudden interest only solidified the truth in the love that sank into his heart.

Was he happy? In this moment, here with her, yes. He couldn't remember why he had felt he had been unhappy before, beyond believing she didn't love him. Did she? "I am." He didn't dare say anything that might encourage that less than happy on her look. "How could I not be when I'm here with you." He'd be happy anywhere she was.
Verity could scarcely contain her joy over his response. He was happy to be with her, despite their tense beginnings, despite their lack of choice in the matter. Everett was happy! Propelled by her excitement and ignoring all sense of decorum and decency, Verity stepped closer to him and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.
In a move he would never have expected from Verity, she stopped midstep and kissed him. Everett felt it only prudent to deepen the kiss a moment, hands going to her hips before returning them to a more traditional dance hold. And then he had them spinning again, taking care in the steps the way she would want him too. "What did I do to deserve such a gift?" He queried of her actions, still feeling the warmth of her lips echoing on his own.
The ballroom, the crowd, even their moving feet had completely faded from her mind when she kissed him. All that had mattered in that moment was how entirely safe and loved he made her feel, how comfortable she was with him. "I'm glad it was you who saved me. You've made me a very happy wife."
Her words had his heart soaring with pride. Hes made her happy. He would never have guessed it. Leaning down he murmured in her ear, "I had no idea." The music ended then, Everett was loath to let his arms go from around Verity, so instead he reached for her hand and held it. "Another dance, or home?" He wanted nothing more than to hold his wife close and not have her worry about the public viewing them.
Any other night, Verity would have shied away from the invitation. Despite having been married for a year, they'd never crossed into any sort of romantic relationship. Everett had followed her lead in every regard and had even permitted her to do enact any changes she liked over their lives together. He was a perfect husband and a true gentleman. Verity couldn't have married anyone better.

Any fear she had over taking the next step had melted away in this warm, candy filled room. "Home," Verity answered confidently. They hadn't been here long, but she couldn't find it within herself to care. "Take me home, Everett."