
Full Version: Lycoris's Diary
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Warded against her various family members in a variety of ways on top of being expertly hidden away when not in use.
June 2nd of 1893
I am now 24 years of age and not yet wed. Not even a sniff of courtship though I have had some flirtations. Sometimes I wonder if I am not beautiful but I do own a mirror. Besides, Mama and Papa tend to tell me that I am and why should they lie? I had quite the fit yesterday but I am beyond such things now.

I do not know what it is that I am doing wrong. Though I suppose most of the men I meet do not truly interest me either. Except for Mister Locke. He is positively dreamy. What I would not give for him to whisper sweet nothings to be in that glorious voice of his.
— L —