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You can't remark upon what you don't know!

Are YOU attending the Jekyll & Hyde Halloween Masque on OCTOBER 31? Feel free to drop thread links here for the perusal of other guests! Be sure to state whether your thread is open or private, and feel free to provide a little summary for completed threads!

Come one come all to the event of the autumnal season: the Jekyll & Hyde Halloween Masque. It is a themed event, where guests are requested to dress in costume, or VE APPROPRIATE COSTUME-LIKE ATTIRE, accompanied by a masque to cover one's face. Nobody will be allowed entry without a masque and certain rooms are enchanted such that masques' cannot be removed. It is up to the guest if they wish to be recognized in their outfit and make friendly, or not and make devious. Rooms are lit accordingly.

At the entrance to the obscure country house, there is a house elf offering two potions to mark entry: one Jekyll and one Hyde. Each guest must select their potion carefully. The effects of each will either bring forth a guest's innermost pleasant desire, or innermost dark desire.* There will be no distinction on the bottles as to which is which, one must simply answer a question and based on the answer the potion will be decided.

Decor is very much in the vein of an opulent country home used primarily for hunting. Jack-o-lanterns and candles are the main source of lighting, while apples, harvest-themed accoutrements and the occasional enchanted scarecrow set the tone. There may be one rather shifty room far from the main hall enticing guests to explore unchaperoned, but that is nobody's business but the hosts. (Also, courtesy of Nolie's splendid brain, all the staff are wearing matching black white checkered joker/harlequin costumes.)

*Warning on the potion bottle in tiny ink: How this desire, sitting in one's belly, is manifested may vary from person to person. Drink responsibly.


Vince, Anthony, Poppy, and Olixander will all be in attendance! Let me know if anyone has thread requests we haven't yet discussed! >D

- daemon vampire - detailed here | dark potion
- plague doctor | coin flip
- a king his rightful role - looks something like this + mask and crown | dark potion
- the sun see here |light potion

Some fun threads to track the evening!

Poppy getting into mischief with a real vampire
Poppy wandering off ~
Anthony meeting the loveliest of lovelies

I'll edit in costumes as I think of them!

Oz is here; after trying to find a way out of the potions for a minute he devoted considerable time to choosing his question and is certain he got the "good" potion. I haven't decided if he's right. COSTUME: Greek God Zeus with a white robe & lightning accents and a golden mask

is here and thought through the question he asked but he's only 60% confident he got the good potion. COSTUME: Pirate

didn't devote too much brain power to it because he thinks he doesn't have any dark desires to be concerned about.

is going to be positively paralyzed by the idea of taking a mind-altering mystery potion, anticipate an open thread where he panic attacks <3 COSTUME: TBD but definitely some sort of woodland creature

is arriving with and is inclined to nope right out at the potion but up to her if they're staying or not.

is here and took a potion without asking a question at all because he didn't wait to be told the directions. Probably got the bad one. COSTUME: Recycling a bull mask he used at a previous masquerade and pairing it with a vaguely red-brown suit. [HE HAS AN OPEN THREAD]
Bea will be in attendance with as her chaperone. I'm very conflicted about which potion she ends up with because maybe a pleasant potion means she could actually talk but salty bitter Bea muse kinda wants to end up with the dark one so she can talk but may or may not have a filter. She has dressed up as some sort of fairy. But like the muggle variety of fairy.

will be there. I feel like she dressed up as some sort of cat. SHe could have ended up with either potion

could also be there but I haven't put much thought into that.
Is my character upper class, have a pulse and aren't a student? They are likely there! I was going to list them all but that is... a lot and I felt self-conscious. If there is any of my characters in particular that you want to thread with at this event, hit me up. I will also likely throw up some opens.
I will toss in . He'll be wearing This and this mask

I decided Malcorvus will make an appearance. He'll be dressed as a crow/raven so all in black with an elaborate full length cloak with real feathers, plus This mask He'll likely have a walking cane, more to look more stylish.

ANybody want to thread with him at this event, let me know.. or i may just toss him into an open thread or make one myself.
Oooh, this looks amazing! I am open for threads/will throw up opens as and when. Costume/potion wise I have decreed the following:

  • Ambrosia Selwyn is taking the dark potion and will be dressed as Odette and Odile, with the feathers on her costume changing accordingly

  • Angeline Malfoy will be there, probably already having taken potions of her own, and will be dressed as Titania. I'll toss a coin for her potion at the time.

  • Elladora Black will only be there if needs the company (/requires chaperoning). She will wear a mask and otherwise make no concession to dressing up but she will drink the dark potion.

  • Gretchen Lestrange will be dressed as Anne Boleyn, complete with a 'G' necklace. She'll likely take the good potion.

Hit me up for threads! More characters are available but Enoch is a married man now and Harriet has a family member accused of murder (again) so might not be welcome xD
Most of my folks are there and looking for highjinks! Most are open to good and bad outcomes!


Adrestia Dantés will be there taking dressed as blood mary tudor

Benevolence Montague - will be dressed as some sort of forest nymph type thing - Wearing This dress and this top part

Ginevra Blackwood -will be there potentially making bad choices and dressed as a sort of faun like this

Christabel is there - havnt decided on the costume yet - but she is there enjoying herself.

Gwendolyn Vane-Tempest is goind - actively looking for an affair. Her dress but more Victorian appropriate

Lucretia Zabini - adult version of this

Natsuko Mountbatton -will be there dressed as a kitsune - aka a magic fox

Nephele Lestrange - is dressed like her name sake - a cloud nymph
I'll have:

as this, but more VE appropriate. She'll be taking the "good" potion because June should probably be nice to people at least once in her life.
as a western red fox. Something like this with a less ridiculous mask.
will entice women and men to make terrible life decisions. He'd probably wear his ministry robes and summon a scythe to be a lame version of the grim reaper. "Bad" potion all the way. (Although I'm not sure he can get much worse?)
, who will be there for fun, dressed as a more VE-esque Monarch butterfly
Attending & open to any outcome are:

, as she's been living with her UC girlfriends all summer and thusly got an invitation. She feels way in over her head so she dressed as a man-eating dragon and eventually got coerced to take the bad potion with Poppy.

dressed unimaginatively as a knight. He refused a potion at first but with enough nagging about cheating took ... one of them. He doesn't know which, he forgot which was which.

in attendance as 's +1, whom she immediately loses after taking the bad potion. If anyone insists on knowing, she is her UC sister, .  She's dressed as the queen of hearts.

will be there working and giving you the best gdamn cocktails. Fancy ones from America. Like all the staff/servants, he is dressed in black & white checkered joker costume. Staff don't get the potion.
I will edit as I decide more details, probably! I will probably start a couple of opens but assume everyone on this list is open for threads and let me know if you have desires xD In the meantime, attending are:

because ghosts are invited <3 He's so happy. Can't drink potions, can't dress up, can and will compose a song about any interesting goings-on he witnesses if anyone wants some rumours spread.

as a highwayman type with a black mask, tricorne and long cloak and pistol etc.

in a black "night sky"-esque dress with constellations charmed to move. She hates costumes.

& friends have crashed the party. He's "dressed up" as a vampire using some stolen French aristocrat finery he's probably had since the 1700s, and having also ~exaggerated his paleness with powder or something for the lols. Will be extra smiley to show off the very realistic fangs he has.

will add a dragonfly mask and gauzy wings to a more VE-style dress in these kind of colours.

as a dragon; but very lazily, just wearing a dark suit and mask with some studs down the back or something, he didn't bother with wings.

is coming in some skeleton outfit with skull mask and probs accessories made out of human teeth.

is dressed as the hanged man character from the tarot deck in blue/red + gold mask for the halo + rope tied around one ankle. He thinks he's funny.

will do something show-offy with transfiguration magic and maybe change his appearance/costume multiple times in the evening but I am losing steam so will figure this out later. xD

in some half-assed toga getup. Probably says the name of a different famous Roman anytime anyone asks.
Oh will also be there dressed as a siren (because the little mermaid wasn't around yet!)
will be there. Costume to be determined She's taken the Jekell potion.

is party crashing for business reasons thanks to Ishmael. Costume is very eye catching and fashion forward as Eros. She has not taken a potion.

shall be there. He'll be a pirate! And is taking the Jekell potion.

shall be there. She Queen Mab and has turned down the potion.

may be there depending on 's attendance. If she is there she will be Rowenna Ravenclaw.
will be sneaking in with the aid of . He's going dressed as a black knight, al la humanoid wizards chess piece.

will be attending as a black spider.

Potions TBD.
is attending and has come as a character from one of her favorite poems but to most characters she probably just looks like someone dressed dramatically in white with salad in her hair | IC costume info

will be there, costume TBD

is going as a dementor. Her dress looks like this and instead of wearing a mask she's wearing a floor length black tulle layered veil which is almost opaque at the top but around her mouth area it subtly starts to lighten, getting increasingly more sheer as it goes down. She's enchanted her veil to create an aura of cold mainly to keep herself cool but it doubles up as an appropriate costume feature.

might be there, costume TBD

doesn't want to be there idt but he probably will be, costume TBD
is there for sure, costume and potion tbd she is going as a rose and took the baddie potion- open for a thread!

is also there, baddie potion and dressed like a regal sort of lion, for giggles. Open for a hurling thread!

I also forgot, this is right up 's alley so are will be there as well!
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