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June 17th, 1892 — Dashwood Hall, Surrey

Hadn't Miss Dashwood done a wonderful job, although Suki didn't expect any less from a young lady who had so impressed her with her spirit and force of personality.  So much so that even this strange arrangement, seemed like another rather interesting quirk in her personality.  It was Poppy's debut and yet it was Suki who was here to meet a man.  The ladies had spent a good deal of time in conversation and talked of many things - including the mysterious older cousin of Miss Dashwood, a man she had described as the best of men, who deserved only the best of wives, which explained her desire to 'vet' the ladies who might get close to him. 

With such a sea of white flowers many of the guests had gone with bold shades to stand out, or muted pastels to compliment, Suki's dress for was a very crisp, unnatural white, because of course it was.  Another garment made of the enchanted silks from her dress maker in Osaka.  This one patterned in a bright gold, as sweeping flames snaked over the shoulder, back and arms, emanating from the phoenix which was rousant affronté across the back of the dress, it's wings spread, as though in flight, the magical flames shimmering across the fabric, and although the silhouette of the dress was typical of the fashion, the neck and sleeves spoke to it's decidedly foreign origin and a trick of the modiste, gave the garment a fluidity when moving that belied it's style, it shimmered and moved like tulle rather than silk and added to the affect of the flames, her jet black hair done in a hybrid of the English style, so that it tousled softly over her shoulders but also had form and shape, so that instead of the English pins and tiara's it could bear Japanese ornaments of gold and clean white pearls to compliment the look.

It was Miss Dashwood who had arranged the dance, marking a waltz on her card for her cousin and telling Natsuko that he would find her when the dance came around, before being dragged off to attend to her other guests - she was the woman of the hour after all, and tonight was to signal her availability on the marriage market, it would hardly to do be a wall flower.  Suki supposed it wouldn't be hard for the mysterious cousin to spot her, she was the only Japanese woman in the room after all.  So as she finished the dance with the last gentleman on her dance card she moved off the dance floor and as subtly as she could behind her fan, surveilled the dance floor for a gent who might be her next dance. 

Dress but Victorian and magic!
Atticus had spent most of the evening drifting between his cousin, ensuring that her evening was perfect and just how she imagined it, and the women she had spent time getting to know in an effort to help him meet his wife. While flattered that he meant that much to Poppy and she had promised it was because she wanted him to be happy, it was becoming a handful to balance everything at Poppy’s debut. Surely she could have picked another event - any event, really - that was better suited than this. He was aware she had her reasons for picking her debut, although even Atticus found it a bit off to potentially meet his future wife at an event that was meant to mark Poppy’s entrance as a woman eligible to be married. At least he wasn’t going to marry her.

But she knew here, he wouldn’t tell her no, and when she'd cornered him to say she’d written his name on a dance card of Miss Natsuko Mountbatton, Atticus had promised he’d find her when the time came. Poppy was kind enough to point her out lest he was late for yet another dance, before being whisked away by another gentleman. He chuckled quietly, knowing she’d be complaining about how much her feet hurt the next morning.

Atticus smiled and bid his dance partner a goodnight, before he shook his head and scanned the crowd for Miss Mountbatton. It didn’t take long for him to find her, and he found himself weaving through the crowds. The closer he got to her, the more he realized she was quite stunning. Her dress was something entirely different than what many of the other women at the ball wore, which was instantly intriguing. Tonight had been many of the same conversations and perhaps she’d be a reprise from the monotonous conversations.

Finally he came up beside her, and offered her a smile. “Good evening, Miss Mountbatton. You look beautiful tonight.” Perhaps a bit straight forward, but Atticus was never one to beat around the bush much. He offered her arm. “If I may have the honor of collecting a dance?”

One of Suki's slender jet eyebrows arched as the gentleman spoke and her lips formed into an amused smile, her eyes straight forward to the dance floor and not yet taking in her sudden companion, but amusement written all over her features. She wasn't sure what manner of gentleman she had been expecting to appear at her shoulder, but she was pleasantly surprised - and straight in with a compliment. He was apparently as daring as his cousin.

'It is a pleasure to meet you Mister Foxwood' she extended a dainty gloved hand towards him, first in a genteel shake, and then to place a hand on his arm and allowing herself to be led to the floor. He was certainly handsome and well turned out, just as Poppy had said he would be. 'I am indeed yours to collect for this turn around the floor' she smiled at him, as the band struck up the chords of the waltz. Was Mister Foxwood in favour of his bright cousins plan of wife hunting? He was bound to be suspicious of Poppy's organisation of his dances for the evening at the very least -and if nothing else was placidly going along with it for the moment.

She imagined it would probably count as some manner of disloyalty to flirt with a friends family member at her very debut - save for the fact that the friend in question had invited her here for that exact purpose. She decided she might as well be as straight forward as Mister Foxwood seemed inclined to be. 'Are you pleased with your cousins management of your dances this evening?' she smiled, as the dance began. 'Poppy is to be noted for being unique in her plans for her debut.' she laughed, referring both to Miss Dashwoods superlative taste in decor and her plan on setting up her cousin, marking him as on the marriage market on the same evening that signaled her own entry.

Atticus laughed quietly as he took her hand to lead her to the dance floor; the waltz, if he had to choose, was one of his favorite dances, and he had high hopes that Miss Mountbatton would prove to be a wonderful partner. Poppy had spoken nothing but good things about her and while he trusted his cousin’s judgment, he was interested to see what would come of the letters. Poppy would be smug and he would never hear the end of it from her if something were to come to fruition, although that was something he was ready to deal with.

The cords started and Atticus returned her smile. She was definitely a beautiful woman, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at her question. “I have the honor of meeting and dancing with you Miss Mountbatton, because of my dear cousin’s management. I couldn’t be displeased with her if I tried.” He replied, as the dance began. “Poppy is certainly very unique, but I would say all her plans for tonight are panning out very well.” And after tonight, Atticus was going to sleep for days; he loved his cousin dearly, but there was only so much talk of ribbons and florals a man could take before he zoned out. And hopefully after her debut, he would chaperoning her on outings to meet people. (And he knew his cousin, Poppy would wish to sit in the back and observe his out meetings with, especially with Miss Mountbatton.)

He focused his attention solely on the woman in front of him, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “And I hope she is not managing your dance card too closely and you are enjoying the evening.” Not that Atticus truly expected his cousin to go to such great lengths. For being the center of attention, Poppy had spent a lot of time focusing on anyone but herself.

The emphasis on the various feminine graces had been part of her education at Mahoutokoro, and she was a superlative dancer in both the western styles and in Mai and Odori, at her own debut she had danced a traditional Japanese dance and performed on the Koto, elements of a debut more typical in Japan than in England; the demonstration of a her proficiency in the womanly arts. So she moved through the waltz with all of the grace one would expect of someone raised with the pressure of a dynasty on her shoulders. Her father had no sons, no other children, he had no brothers, the Mountbatton line would depend on her marrying and producing children, otherwise the Mountbatton fortunes, gained from supporting the colonial expansion of the British Empire would vanish back into the public coffers, and her father, distant as he was, would roll over in his grave if that happened.

“And I hope she is not managing your dance card too closely and you are enjoying the evening.” he asked, Suki smiled, raising her gaze to meet the gentlemans eyes, with an arching of her pale neck making her seem taller than her diminuative height. 'I've yet to find cause for complaint Mister Foxwood' she smiled with an inclination of her neck. From what his cousin had said, and what she had been able to discern from her 'contacts' Mister Foxwood was not one to be bought with vain flattery - less vapid than some of the gentleman who might be more inclined towards broom bunnies, which was very much a check in the positive column. She was a painted doll, but no one who knew her could accuse her of being shallow - but there would be time for that. First things first.

'Your cousin tells me you have a fondness for animals?' she asked, gently, her white gown moving like water as she moved around the floor in his arms. 'You have an owl do you not?', she cocked her head to one side, this titbit genuinely piqued her curiosity, most wizards saw their owls as working animals not pets.

Atticus nodded at her before offering a small smile. At least Poppy was enjoying her debut and not spending the entire evening playing matchmaker - if she was friends with Miss Mountbatton, which at this point he could only assume was true, surely Poppy would be attempting to match her with all the eligible bachelors she knew. He could only hope that she wasn’t spending her evening dancing with eligible bachelors to match her friends with. And she wondered why he constantly worried over her. .

He laughed then, not in the bit surprised that Merlin had come up in conversation some way or another, between himself and Miss Mountbatton, and between her and Poppy. “I do. I have an owl, Merlin, who I’ve had since my first year at Hogwarts.” Atticus looked at her and smiled fondly. “He is my pride and joy, although I do hope to have children in the future that will take his place.” And spoiled that owl was; he’d brought Merlin tonight without thinking and the owl, starved because he was on his diet and Basil hadn’t been immediately nearby to feed him, had dive-bombed some of the food. A house elf has taken him home before Aunt Georgiana could murder him for potentially ruining her daughter’s debut.

While he wanted children they seemed almost a lifetime away, leaving him to continually spoil his owl. “He has a very… interesting personality, and perhaps our next meeting you shall meet him.” A bold statement, but Atticus was going to assume he hadn’t mucked this dance up yet. His fingers tightened against her as he turned her. “And do you have any animals in your life, Miss Mountbatton?” He asked. Atticus didn’t think he could court someone who didn’t remotely like animals.

'I do' she beamed, her control slipping into a smile of genuine enthusism. 'I have several pets in my London home' she felt a small blush sweep up her throat. 'I have a Kitsune dog called Yuki, a bobtail cat Adzuki, a scops owl, called Sakura, and a hoo-hoo called Taiyo' she wasn't sure which was her favourite if she was called to pick one, each held it's own special place in her home. Taiyo generally got the most attention from visitors because they were less familiar with him and his kind, but milk white dog, who was whip smart and the rather dim witted cat were polar opposites and she adored curling up with both. Sakura was a fraught, anxious and cantakerous creature, who would really only tolerate Suki's touch. She would seldom admit it but she rather like the owls pickiness. The hoo hoo, was affectionate, still very young it really only wanted Suki's approval and could be found following the older bird around the aviary desperate for it's approval.

She had never thought to bring one to a ball. Mister Foxwoods impish owl had apparently been party to the earlier celebrations. 'I believe your own feathered companion was here for a while earlier?' she asked, 'Merlin wasn't it?' she asked. Although she did think perhaps Taiyo or Yuki might enjoy being part of her next more daring fashion adventure.

His face softened as Miss Mountbatton talked about her animals; he liked to see the smile at swept across her face. It suited her. Mama had a dog of her own although she tended to stick close to her, never flouncing toward himself or Basil much for belly rubs or attention. The staff handled her as well, and while Atticus didn’t mind having a dog around the house, it would never garner his attention the way Merlin did; perhaps if she was more affectionate he would. “Ah, well I would love nothing more than to meet all of them.” And that was true. He hadn’t ever met a bobcat or a hoo-hoo, but he was almost certain he would like them.

If Atticus Foxwood had the choice between attending a ball or a fundraiser for animals, he would shockingly pick the fundraiser. While he wouldn't call himself an animal lover, he always had a soft spot for creatures, especially ones covered in fluff and fur. If Merlin wasn’t such an attention hog who would have problems sharing his attention, he might consider getting him an owl companion, but he knew his owl would nip at or bully something new. (Atticus had - and still was - considering a companion simply because the owl was so rotund he struggled to fly. The family needed a reliable owl who could fly quickly with urgent letters. Merlin was never in a hurry.)

His attention was brought back as she questioned him about his owl, and he laughed quietly as he nodded. “I was hoping no one saw him, but yes. I wasn’t thinking when we left our London home in a hurry, and Merlin tends to come with me on most errands, so it was natural for me to bring him. A house elf took him home.” His eyes crinkled with affection. “He’s a scops owl like your dear Sakura.” He’d picked Merlin out because he had large, round eyes that Atticus couldn’t say no when he was eleven years old, freshly on his way to Hogwarts.

Atticus leaned forward, as if he had a secret, although it was more teasing in nature than anything. “If I go missing in the coming weeks, it is because Mrs. Dashwood is angry at me for Merlin making an appearance.” Aunt Georgie might, if she could corner him without anything seeing him.

'I'm sure that can be arranged Mister Foxwood, Suki beamed, Adzuki looked for some attention from any visitor who sat still long enough, Yuki was more discerning, an intelligent and canny animal, he was usually an excellent judge of character. Suki had only 4 animals in her home at present, she did not much spend time in her father's old country home - it was large and she felt she rattled around inside it, better suited for families or large groups, but if she was spending more time there she might be inclined towards more of a menagerie. More than one of her fashion choices had been inspired by animals from Japan, but birds were a more often choice, peacocks, doves, ravens, fwoopers, ostrich and magpie had all feautred in the past - indeed she had a pheonix on her garment at present.

'Oh how charming' Suki responded, and laughed at his jibe at his aunt, 'Well you might tell her that the guests thought it was a planned ariel display' she chuckled. 'or rather I shall be sure to mention how impressive it was in my note to thank your aunt.'

'I got Sakura when I started school, she isn't the most sociable creature' Suki admitted with a chuckle, 'She and my aunt live in a very uneasy peace, likes countries constantly on the verge of war', if it had been in her aunts power she would have compelled Suki to get rid of the owl, but Suki had already inherited, she was beyond her aunts power now in most things.

'Perhaps you can convert her' The Japanese scop owl just looked angry or suspicious of anyone who approached her, other than when getting the spot just above her ears scratched, when her eyes would drift shut and titter pleasantly.

Atticus grinned at her; if he wasn’t odd he would have suggested an animal play date, but well… Merlin would die at having to share the attention with all of hers. He’d probably peck at the ones that couldn’t fly, then hoot, holler and carry on while safely in Atticus' arms to the ones with wings. The thought made him laugh before he settled his gaze back against her. He liked that she seemed to enjoy animals as much as him - why, if this turned into anything more, they could have all sorts of animals running through the Foxwood gardens.

“That would be much appreciated, Miss Mountbatton. Aunt Georgie will be shocked if she were to hear that Merlin was impressive at Poppy’s debut.” Atticus chuckled at the comment about her aunt; he couldn’t imagine Merlin being at odds with anyone in the family, and all it took was a reminder that they were the ones who fed him to change his angry tune. The owl was most certainly motivated by food. “My secret talent is winning over owls. I am confident that I could convert her to a social creature if given the chance. “ Atticus whispered, as if it was a secret. Merlin liked to have his head and back scratched and he assumed most scops owls would be the same.

He cleared his throat. “I had briefly considered breeding owls when I first graduated, but it was a bit much for me.”

'You are welcome to try' Suki said with a smile, and rather believed it, 'I truly believe that if anyone has a chance of charming her Mister Foxwood, it actually may be you.' She laughed lightly. Thinking of how exactly Sakura might take to the gentleman who actually genuinely seemed to care about both his animal and his family.

'I believe the prospect of breeding them to be rather more complex than people think' she agreed. She had never considered breeding Sakura, the owl seemed too cantankerous to even entertain her mistresses idea, although the idea of having a progeny of her beloved to replace her when the owl moved on - she couldn't bring herself to think the word.

'It feels as though the matter should just be 2 owls and leave them to it, much like nature, but I believe magical owls are much more picky in their companions' she said. The extended metaphor was apt enough, it felt like finding a partner in life should be easy and intuitive but without caring guidence of a family, she felt rather like her own mateless owl - in need of professional guidence to help her find her own little family.

Atticus grinned at her. If that was indeed a challenge, he would step up to the plate. He wasn’t entirely sure why he liked owls as much as he did, but his love for Merlin had morphed into something he wasn’t ashamed of. His father had always had trouble being affectionate toward anyone in the family and that was not the type of person he wanted to be. Atticus would extend his love to his owl if he chose and there wasn’t a thing anyone could say about it. His family - extended included - were close, and that was the way it would remain if he had anything to say about it.

“Well, I’m pretty sure Merlin has a girlfriend he goes to see from time to time.” A smile quipped against his lips. He wasn’t sure where Merlin went, but he definitely disappeared for a length of time without having a letter to deliver. Atticus didn’t mind, as long as he didn’t show up with owl babies one day, looking for a home. “Well, Miss Mountbatton. I believe in love, so I agree with your sentiment.” Not that Atticus had the luxury of falling in love before marriage - it would be an added bonus, if he fell in love at all. He had a duty, and in the end, having a wife and heir for the Foxwood family was what mattered the most to him.

'How coy of him' she teased, 'and there was me thinking that perhaps an arranged marriage might be on the cards for our children'. She chuckled as Mister Foxwoods words became earnest.

Suki blushed again, her metaphor was transparent, but it still a felt a little odd to be seen so intimately. She dropped her gaze from his to stare at a button on his doublet and control her emotions for a moment before looking back and meeting his gaze steadily. It was candid of him to mention love so freely in his first meeting with a lady and unused to such candor Suki had to take a moment to decide how best to meet it. She took a small breath to steady, 'I understand you sir.' she concurred. 'I agree, I've no family to speak of left to me, and affection seems so natural a trait to seek in a partner and yet so at oddds with every other expectation of an heir.' she explained, her expression one of near confusion, as though ruminating on a complex mathematical equation, her nose wrinkling at the ridge.

She was an heir after a fashion, not a man with the weight of a name, but there was an expectation that she marry at all costs - happiness be damned, and she was vulnerable - fortune hunters, social climbers, ner do wells and seasoned gamblers all saw a girl with fortune and no family and galleons in their future. Finding a husband who wouldn't ruin her, kill her with syphilis or other vice, beat her or worse - the stakes were high but there was no way to stop playing.

Their children. His lips quipped into a brighter smile when he realized that she had meant Merlin and Sakura; he wasn’t sure where his owl wandered off to - perhaps when he was bored one night he’d follow him. Wasn’t that a way for an upper class man to spend his free time. (No wonder people may have seen him as odd.)

His smile though, twitched into a frown at her words. That was something he understood in its entirety - Poppy constantly told him she wanted him to be happy, to be in love, but as a the eldest he wasn’t sure he could afford that. Not at his age, at least. Even at thirty he wasn’t counted as old, but he needed to lock down a wife who was the picturesque socialite. Someone who would wear the Foxwood name with pride. “I’m certain that if I don’t find a potential wife by the end of the season, mama will find one for me. She is anxious to have the Foxwood name carried on, and well, probably to pass her wisdom down to a daughter-in-law. But that’s between her and my wife.” Or, more likely, Viola Foxwood was ready to have grandchildren afoot for her to love on. They would be the first grandchild on either side of the family.

Atticus shook his head. “People like us are expected to fall in love after marriage. Which is the price we pay for being the eldest. I’m sorry to hear you’ve lost your family, but I sincerely hope where you marry welcomes you with open arms.” He worried about that too. How his future wife would get along with the craziness that came with his entire family.

The various woes of first borns aside, she doubted that Mister Foxwood would need to worry much. He was handsome and amiable, and unless Miss Dashwood had been shame facedly lieing about his character, of which there was no sign to Natsuko, she wouldn't account for any reason why he might struggle in the marriage market. Somehow it always seemed easier for gentlemen, it seemed as though the ton was an endless of parade to win their attention and that they didt much worry about the matter going in the other direction.

'I've no doubt Mister Foxwood' she said, and although her words were earnest there was no hint of flirtation or coquettish fancy in them, just a new friend passing on their candid opinion and consolation to another in a seemingly difficult position 'With your good humor you shall achieve exactly what you set your mind to.', Suki gave a small nod and a friendly, affirming smile. 'I don't doubt marital felicity is a real possibility for you.'

She gave another smile, that was meant to lighten their suddenly rather intense conversation, but she could feel the tightness at the corners of her mouth, and knew it didnt extend to her eyes. The anxiety that haunted every debutante filling her stomach like a lead weight, and she took a moment to just enjoy their waltz.

There was something about Miss Mountbatton Atticus liked - well, there were a lot of things he liked about her - that he couldn’t quite place his finger on. She was different from most of the other debutantes he’d danced with previously and he found her quite refreshing. She offered real conversation on subjects that mattered to him. How no one had courted yet was beyond him, and he wanted to shake his head at the daft men who had met her before he did.

His grin widened slightly at her words. “Thank you, Miss Mountbatton.” Of course Atticus wanted to tell her how much she deserved it too, but he felt as if that would be overstepping. It was only their first meeting after all, which, given the intense conversation, seemed out of place. He liked her and didn’t want to scare her away. (Poppy would never let him live it down if he did, and he also didn’t feel like listening to his cousin lecture him on how he botched up their meeting.)

“I do hope I can see you again.” He spoke earnestly, because he did. It was a bit forward, but oh well; he didn't quite seem to care at the moment.

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