
Full Version: June 17, 1892 - Poppy Dashwood's Debut, in Surrey
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You can't remark upon what you don't know!

Are YOU attending the Poppy's Debut in Surrey on June 17th? Feel free to drop thread links here for the perusal of other guests! Be sure to state whether your thread is open or private, and feel free to provide a little summary for completed threads!

PSA: I - Fox - want to stalk ALL the threads and also partake in ALL the threads at this event because I'm sooo excited about it. This is the major event of my year so hit me up if anyone wants anything to do with Poppy, Basil, Oli, or - maybe - Vince! (Sorry Algae didn't make the cut, lol.)

My stalking/participation has found the following:

- Ball Opening
- tardiness
- Some spying
- gossiping gentlemen?
- shoe shennanigans

In attendance
- he has an open

- Is conversing with Victoire Malfoy & also Poppy

Perhaps more but those for sure. Likely will have an open for each of them up eventually.
Ginny and Natsuko are there husband hunting and open for threads. 

Thaddeus is there too

Probably most of my UC folks to be fair.

Def open for threads.
will make an appearance.
(June 18, 2022 – 10:33 PM)Madeleine Backus Wrote: [ -> ]Ginny and Natsuko are there husband hunting and open for threads. 

Thaddeus is there too

Probably most of my UC folks to be fair.

Def open for threads.

DANTE! Poppy wants to do an introduction for and Natsuko at her ball! Can we start this one?

Also, Poppy is open for any/ALL your other babies~
YES! Lets make that happen! Natsuko is very curious about the gent at the centre of all of this!
Angelique is in attendance with her husband.
/ - Hopefully he'll make a better impression on her than he has Estelle so far... Poppy is so annoyed he brought Merlin to contaminate her food and I'm sure Georgiana is chasing him around with a broom lol. (Or making a servant catch him.)
(June 21, 2022 – 3:27 AM)Basil Foxwood Wrote: [ -> ] / - Hopefully he'll make a better impression on her than he has Estelle so far... Poppy is so annoyed he brought Merlin to contaminate her food and I'm sure Georgiana is chasing him around with a broom lol. (Or making a servant catch him.)

He’s a proud dad ok ? (IDK why he brought Merlin. Honestly? Probably flustered and force of habit. But the thought makes me laugh, sooo.)