May 30, 2022 – 9:24 PM
May 15, 1892 - DADA Office, Hogwarts
Gus stared down at the last batch of essays he had to grade for the year, still neatly piled up in front of him. He’d made it, even if it’d only been a semester rather than an entire year, but he’d made it. That was a feat in itself, and he wasn’t quite sure how he’d celebrate yet - he still had to worry about securing a place to live because he wasn’t going to live with his sister and her husband, nor did he have any intentions of living with his parents in his childhood bedroom. He loved them, but he knew they’d worry every time he went out the door, and Gus was never one to sit still.He groaned softly as he rubbed his eyes, watching the words of the essay swim for a moment. They were all similar and all so boring. He couldn’t fault them though - Gus had been the one to give the assignment, and it wasn’t as if they could put any pizazz in words like they could during a lesson. While grateful for a job and the ability to be at Hogwarts again, he was tired and had an overwhelming desire to curl up in his bed and sleep until the exams started. But he couldn’t - he had to give the graded essays back to his first and second years so they knew what to study for their final practical exams. But, as Gus covered his mouth to hide a yawn, a quick nap might not hurt.
Stretching his legs, the professor stood before he strode over toward the door to close it, lest a student wander in and need his help, or a professor pop by to check in on him. (Not dead yet, was always his go to response with a wide grin.) However, as soon as Gus reached the door, his fingers curled around the handle to close it, he nearly jumped out of his skin as a ghostly face suddenly appeared before him. His hand moved to rest on his chest as he choked out a laugh.