Hello! I'm Robin, and after stumbling across the forum during a Google deep dive I'm interested in joining. I've had previous roleplaying and writing experience over the years and this seems like a good place to venture into the play-by-post forum style (I previously did some play-by-email style roleplay). Charming, perfectly enough, falls right between my interests in history and Harry Potter. However, rather than jumping right in with an application and winging it as I go I had a few questions. So I figured I would pop in here and get some feedback first.
1. Where would be the best place to start in terms of a first character? I've been doing some browsing around looking at adoptables, the "Characters We Do and Don't Need" thread, and the various occupations. I want to strive for originality but in doing so I would hate to write myself into a corner in terms of networking and getting said character involved with others. Any advice would be appreciated.
2.On the more specific side, is reserving occupations done by simply making a post in the "Occupations" thread? Given that it doesn't have its own sub-forum I assume this is done with replies that are periodically removed as they are filled/expire.
3. Finally, if we were to pursue a plottable or adoptable character, what would be the best way to contact the writer who posted them (Especially if it is via PM)? It seems a bit presumptuous to create an account bearing said character's name in order to reach out and ask for permission.
Hello Robin!
I am Kelly. While not staff, I've been here a little bit and would like to offer some input.
In general
While the "Characters We Do and Don't Need" is an incredibly useful tool for diversifying the board, I wouldn't necessarily recommend starting off there when getting established on site. Honestly, the best way to make connections here is typically more in the range of "Don't need" as often it's an over populated type of character. A lot easier to plot when you have plenty of characters around with similar interests to your own.
I believe that you are correct on how to reserve occupations. But the main reason I say believe is that hardly anyone reserves an occupation unless they are gonna take a while to finish the app before they are posting the character and that job has a limit on how many people can have the title.
(This advice can be useful for both original and adoptable characters.)
If you want to adopt:
Always a dear favorite when someone adopts a character from me or a character that I want that I shouldn't make. It is certainly easier to reach out when you already have one account going. CBox is one option of communication if you manage to catch the attention of the person you wish to speak to. When in doubt, I know that a few new members have made the account to PM someone and staff can change names during the app process or in maintenance should an adoption not work out.
I really hope this helps!
The administrators can change your user name when you submit an application, so it's perfectly fine to create an account so that you can PM people even if you're not 100% sure of the name yet, or haven't ironed out all the details with the other person.
Occupations: yes! Reservations only required for things that could fill up, though- if you're going to be Auror 6/16 there's no need :) Actually there's no need even if it could fill up, unless you're worried it might.
Adoptables are a great way to start off with some connections if you want to go that route, but we have an awesome community here who will strive to make sure you have lots of roleplay opportunities regardless. It's more about what type of plots you want to have, imo. If you're good with one-off hijinks and weird interactions, you can play a ghost and it's awesome! If you're looking for an epic romance, a ghost is probably limiting your choices xD (Sorry )
Hi Robin! I'm Bee, one if the site's mods, glad you found us!
Honestly I'm not sure how accurate the "Do and Don't" list is. In terms of networking, students and popular occupations like the hospital and ministry are generally easiest to find people to plot with. Also on the whole, adults between 20-30 have the most options. Class isn't too much of a factor, but it you have an upper class character, pending their thoughts on other classes that might make things tricky. Most of us have somebody for everybody though!
You are correct in reserving an occupation, just post asking to do so on the list in question. Same with play bys! Reservations last 5 days before being deleted. You only need to make a reservation on an occupation if it is what we call a "one-off" meaning only one character can hold the title at a time.
As for creating an account, any changes will be handled by your accepting admin, so you can create a temporary account to reach out via pm if you like, that's not a problem!
Hope that helps! If you do create an account, feel free to pm me on this account with any further questions!
Greetings, I'm one of the newer players here and have to say it's a fun site to be on. I joined in February and have four characters now and having fun here so far. There's been plenty of new people since I joined so the player base just keeps on growing :)
Every new player will be given a 'buddy' to help with basic questions and even a first thread so the site is very accommodating for new people. My buddy was great, answering my questions and helping me out with a thread or two.
I don't have an adoptable thread yet, though this could change down the road but there are a few possible connections with my characters in my
Networking Thread,.