The restraint in Lissington’s eyes did not go by unnoticed. Whatever this boggart was, it must have been something that stuck with him. Something painful and dark; Basil felt a sudden pang, wondering who or what could have hurt Lissing so badly. He prayed, deep down it hadn’t been him in some way. Shoving the thought aside to deal with at a later date, Basil carefully watched as the red-head beside him struggled to form words. He ached desperately to reach out and… touch him, in some way, to provide comfort. They were still so awkwardly stiff though that Basil didn’t feel it was appropriate. (Not that they hadn’t just snogged in a final exam, but yanno.)
Instead, the brunette listened attentively, trying to piece together what the other was saying. He had a billion questions, each more pressing than the last, but Basil swallowed them as best he could. It was evident this was difficult for Lissington and he didn’t want to make it worse. He’d… trusted someone with a secret. Did that mean,
the secret? The… secret Basil still wasn’t even sure how to define? The
feeling? Basil hesitated on this thought. It was a feeling, he supposed. It was a sentiment, an attachment, an innate desire that - for better or worse, right or wrong - was real to Lissington.
And, potentially, to him too. He couldn’t imagine unraveling that however, and letting someone - anyone - in on it save for maybe a close friend. A friend, it sounded like, similar to the one Gus had trusted.
The next words to fall out of the red-head’s mouth shocked Basil, and the brunette couldn’t help the look of surprise that flew across his features. He listened, raptly, and forced his mouth to shut from the initial impact, saliva running dry. What a wretched experience Gus had been forced to live through! It was no
wonder his boggart had manifested as some bizarre would-be-scenario lest… lest the truth come out. Basil shifted in place, heart
aching for his once closest friend. How could it be that this villain was still out there, torturing him? Threatening to expose something that frankly was Gus’ business and nobody else’s! Was this the reason he’d taken up a position at Hogwarts? Was this why he’d come back?
Basil swallowed a thick lump in his throat and ran a hand through his hair anxiously. He didn’t know what to do or say with the information that had just been delivered. He was still trying to process it as Lissing went silent. The words he didn’t say echoed loud and clear around them.
“Oh, Gus…” Basil said gently, quietly. He hadn’t known… he hadn’t ever imagined the red-head could be living with something so terrible. It made Basil feel incredibly selfish and disgusted with himself for
not knowing, for not
being there to help him. Propriety be damned. He lifted a hand to pat the other on the back but instead Basil found himself just pulling the other close. He buried his nose in the red-head’s collar in an uncharacteristic display of emotion. He didn’t
have the right words, or any words, really, so he didn’t try. He just… held onto him, hoping Gus would understand that he was grateful for the information but also terribly, terribly guilty…
After a moment, he pulled away and tugged at his coattails awkwardly. The shock had turned to anger somewhere in there, anger towards the bastard that thought he could blackmail Lissington, and Basil had a deep frown on his face.
“If he ever dares to come to Britain,” the brunette said quietly, in a menacing, protective voice unusual for Basil Foxwood,
“I will be sure to set him straight.” A few decades as a toad in a jar getting poked and stabbed by first years ought to do it.