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— The —
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
February 18th, 1892
Exotic Animals Loose in Padmore Park
Chaos Reigns as Animals Loosed from Traveler's Trunk

Exotic animals of every variety, magical and Muggle, were accidentally released into Padmore Park yesterday afternoon, wreaking havoc on nearby High Street and disrupting pedestrian traffic in the Park. The animals were owned by Mr. Mortimer Lansing, a resident of south England who had recently taken up lodging in the Hog's Head. Lansing stated that he was planning to open a traveling menagerie and performing circus, and had been collecting the animals for some time. The animals were being housed in a trunk with an expansion charm, and were accidentally released when the charm failed while he was loading it onto a train at the Hogsmeade Station. From there the animals mostly fled to the nearby Park and onward towards High Street, though some may also have wandered into the forest or surrounding neighborhoods.

A representative for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures said they were unsure if Lansing had procured the proper licenses to obtain, keep, and transport such a variety of creatures, but for the time being they are working with Lansing to track down and recapture the animals. "It's a mark in his favor that he came to us right away when the accident happened, so I'm sure we'll be able to get the paperwork piece smoothed over once the creatures have been recaptured. Our first priority now is restoring order to Hogsmeade."
Gulliver Doran
Written by Lynn