
Full Version: Disaster Strikes at The Ivy Leaf Teashop & Bakery
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— The —
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
February 15th, 1892

The Florist Potts' Attacker Strikes Again

On the afternoon of February 14th, 1892 The Ivy Leaf was hosting a Valentine's Day Event when around noon there was a series of explosions that nearly leveled the entire building, burying dozens of customers and employees alike beneath the rubble. Readers will remember a similarĀ  explosion that took out the Florist Potts' shop in Hogsmeade just a few months prior, injuring Miss Daffodil, Dahlia and Calla Potts in the process. While there is no known connection as of yet, an investigation has been opened to discover if the two events are at all linked.

The Auror Office has requested that if anyone has any information to please send any tips directly to the Ministry. Follow-up interviews may be requested.
Felix Prewett
Written by Lady w/ help from Fallin