July 10, 2022 – 1:40 PM
Had he been holding anything besides her, he might have dropped it. The surprise showed on his face. "What?" he said, though of course he'd heard her. It wasn't so much a question as a vocalization of his facial expression.
"August!" he exclaimed next, with a smile growing across his face. August might as well have been tomorrow — it was right around the corner. How long had she known about this? Alfred didn't mind at all that she'd waited to tell him in person, but the last conversation they'd had on the subject, she'd been worrying that maybe something was the matter with her for not being pregnant yet. Going from that to August was dizzying, but in all the best ways.
"A baby," he repeated. By now his smile was so wide it stretched his cheeks. He squeezed Zelda into a hug and he might have continued by lifting her up and swinging her around the room in delight, until he remembered that oh, people who were pregnant were usually supposed to take things easy, and maybe he should be gentler with her? The energy was there, though, seeking some romantic yet over the top outlet. He had the desire to do something, and now he didn't know what to do.
He pressed his face to her neck and kissed her collarbone, still hugging her tightly. "You're amazing."
"August!" he exclaimed next, with a smile growing across his face. August might as well have been tomorrow — it was right around the corner. How long had she known about this? Alfred didn't mind at all that she'd waited to tell him in person, but the last conversation they'd had on the subject, she'd been worrying that maybe something was the matter with her for not being pregnant yet. Going from that to August was dizzying, but in all the best ways.
"A baby," he repeated. By now his smile was so wide it stretched his cheeks. He squeezed Zelda into a hug and he might have continued by lifting her up and swinging her around the room in delight, until he remembered that oh, people who were pregnant were usually supposed to take things easy, and maybe he should be gentler with her? The energy was there, though, seeking some romantic yet over the top outlet. He had the desire to do something, and now he didn't know what to do.
He pressed his face to her neck and kissed her collarbone, still hugging her tightly. "You're amazing."