
Full Version: it was enchanting to meet you;;
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Grinning at Ms. Victoire, positively tickled by this idea of theirs, Basil sat back in his seat and nodded. “Splendid!” he replied. “Well, this has been rather a success I should say!” He added, with a small chuckle. There was no way mama could be displeased now; he’d not only made a good impression, and friend, out of Ms. Victoire Malfoy, but he was going home with designs upon at least one of the sons! If not having her for himself, Basil figured mama should be pleased with her for Atticus, surely!

“I thank you for your hospitality Ms. Malfoy, it really has been such a pleasure.” Basil said, honestly. He wasn’t quite sure how rude it might be to run out presently so he shifted positions in his chair and resisted the urge to check his pocket watch.

Delighted that they had come to an agreement, Torie set down her finished tea with a smile. "I would say so." A little friendly conspiring never hurt anybody after all.

Aware of the signs that poor Professor Foxwood was getting restless, Torie too looked up at the clock and gauged that an appropriate amount of time had passed for his visit. "Please don't let me keep you if you have other engagements, as you said I think we've had our success." If they could arrange a meeting with the eldest Mr. Foxwood, well Torie certainly could handle it from there.

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