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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Queen Victoria was known for putting jackets and dresses on her pups, causing clothing for dogs to become so popular that fashion houses for just dog clothes started popping up all over Paris. — Fox
It would be easy to assume that Evangeline came to the Lady Morgana only to pick fights. That wasn't true at all. They also had very good biscuits.
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Cordelia Bones [WIP]
Full Name: Cordelia Louise Bones
Nicknames: Delia, Lia, Leelee etc.
Birthdate: February 30th, 1878
Current Age: 12 Years
Occupation: First Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Reputation: 9? Delia's parents were respectable members of society, known for being patrons of the arts and proprietors of the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts (W.A.D.A.). Her father, James Bones, was also a much-beloved first cousin of the late Henry Bones. However, both her parents and three of her siblings succumbed to dragonpox in October of 1888. Since then, British wizarding society has regarded the surviving Bones children with nothing short of pity and sympathy.
Residence: Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor (though she was a hatstall between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff)
Wand: 11¾", Red Oak with a Phoenix Feather core, Supple
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
  • James Bones | Father | 1847 - 1888
  • Rhiannon Bones nee Llewellyn | Mother | 1850 - 1888
  • Sebastian Bones | Brother (and Guardian) | 1869 -
  • William Bones | Brother | 1871 - 1888
  • Titania Bones | Sister | 1873 - 1888
  • Lysander Bones | Brother | 1875 -
  • Ophelia Bones | Fraternal Twin Sister | 1878 - 1888
  • Henry Bones | First Cousin (Once Removed) | 1843 - 1884
  • Annabelle Bones (nee Longbottom) | First Cousin (Once Removed by Marriage) | 1850 -
  • Rosamund Bones | Second Cousin | 1868 -
  • Arthur Bones | Second Cousin | 1869 - 1869
  • Eldin Bones| Second Cousin | 1871 -
  • Vesta Bones | Second Cousin | 1872 -
  • Beckett Bones | Second Cousin | 1884 -

Delia remains an amalgamation of both her father and mother; possessing clear-cut Bones features and Rhiannon's petite build. The warm chocolate eyes for which James was known for are mirrored by his youngest daughter, paired with long locks of golden brown hair and a smile that could launch a thousand brooms. Despite possessing the very same bespoke gowns of the elite upper class, Delia's boisterous tendencies usually call for some rather improper alterations. For instance, prior to the dragonpox epidemic, she would tie one of her father's leather belts around the waist of her white lace nightgown so that it didn't get in the way when she partook in play pirate duels with Lysander and Ophelia (Duels that were, more often than not, encouraged and even orally narrated by James). Because of this, many a silk stocking and pinafore have been ripped or smudged with dirt. Furthermore, she abhors wearing her hair pinned up in like the young witches of her stature, instead preferring to leave it down with just a simple small braid to keep any strands out of her face. She also does not possess a dominant wand hand due to being ambidextrous, using whichever hand feels more comfortable for the spell or incantation in question.
  • February 1878: Six months after the Bones family moves into their new abode in Wellingtonshire, they welcome two more daughters into the world; an ever-fussy Cordelia and a peacefully quiet Ophelia. After several nights of colic-induced insomnia on Cordelia's part, James jokingly turns to his wife and suggests that they try for a complete dozen with six more children. Rhiannon responds by sucker punching him in the face. She bruises his cheek and he dubs her Fisticuffs. They laugh about the incident after the fact.
  • September 1882: William begins his first year at Hogwarts with Sebastian, who is starting his third year, respectively. 4-year-old Cordelia and Ophelia sit themselves on their brothers' trunks in an attempt to stage a coup, stating that neither of them can go unless the rest of them can too. It's a valiant effort to be sure, but the only thing it succeeds in doing is making their father laugh as he hoists them both over his shoulders and carries them through Platform 9¾, making a show of staggering and stumbling as if they both weigh a thousand tons.
  • December 1882: Three months later, Cordelia experiences her first burst of magic by accidentally levitating Ophelia up to the ceiling of the Bones children's playroom. It delights the majority of her present siblings at first, though it becomes quite scary when Ophelia decides that she would like to come down and Cordelia doesn't seem to know how to accommodate that wish. Both girls cry in panic until their sister, Titania, and brother, Lysander, rush downstairs to retrieve their parents.
  • 1884: James loses his beloved cousin, Henry, to the Hogwarts laughing plague. It absolutely devastates him, as the two were as close as brothers. They regarded each other fondly and with great admiration even into adulthood, with the two families visiting one another regularly at Cordelia's great grandmother's manor. As such, her father's normally playful and lighthearted nature is replaced by a solemn silence that spreads throughout the entire Bones household. Despite the family's best efforts, James never quite gets over it. He carries a constant, quiet sorrow for the rest of his days; the light behind his eyes just a bit more dim.
  • August 1885: After months of holing himself up in his office, James completes a fantastical play that he dedicates to Henry. Under his tutelage,  the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts performs it exclusively for extended family and friends, with many upper crust witches and wizards in attendance for opening night. It features two young brothers running away from their strict, stuffy grandmother and accidentally traveling to a different continent via portkey, where they must chivalrously fend off barbaric merpeople, hot-tempered veela, and blood-thirsty wizards in their attempt to make a life out of their newfound (albeit feral) home. It is equal parts wondrous and emotional, receiving a standing ovation at the end. The Daily Prophet even goes on to refer to it as James Bones's best play to-date. But James never emerges from backstage, and Rhiannon is generous enough to serve as the designated socialite of the night, shaking everyone's hand and thanking them for coming as they filter out of the theater.
  • October 1888: The Bones family sees a significant loss after a miniature dragonpox pandemic sweeps throughout their house. James and Rhiannon Bones succumb to the disease, as do three of their children; William, Titania, and Ophelia Bones. As the eldest son and an adult by wizarding standards, 19-year-old Sebastian Bones inherits the family's estate and becomes the legal guardian of his surviving siblings, Lysander and Cordelia.
  • September 1889:
  • April 1890:

Other: [Any other information you want to include.]
Name: Brielle
Age: 25
Contact: PM Persephone Fenwick
Other Characters: Persephone Fenwick
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