Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Queen Victoria was known for putting jackets and dresses on her pups, causing clothing for dogs to become so popular that fashion houses for just dog clothes started popping up all over Paris. — Fox
It would be easy to assume that Evangeline came to the Lady Morgana only to pick fights. That wasn't true at all. They also had very good biscuits.
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A Wedding, A Wedding, We're Going to Have a Wedding
January 18, 1889
Dearest Sherah,
Mr. Ruskin has asked me to marry him! We are to be wed this summer! Oh Sherah, we must discuss details. You may not be with me in this home from which I write to you, but I want you to be a part of this planning.

Do not worry, Martin has sent out letters to his daughters as well, though with three letters they may get theirs a little later in the day. Perhaps not. Write soon please, we must discuss this further.

Your Loving Sister,

Sherah Drago

Magic by MJ

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