Nicknames: Nim
Birthdate: January 21, 1877
Current Age: 18 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Seventh Year; Seer
Reputation: 8; Nim is a Seer and can sometimes rub people the wrong way.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: cypress, 11", unyielding, siren scale
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
Mother: Amalthea Silente
Sister: Bronte [Surname]
Sister: Cassia [Surname]

height: 5 ft, 6 in.
build: slender
eyes: blue
hair colour: brown
hair style: a mass of curls
wand hand: right
demeanor: Nim holds himself upright and moves with a graceful confidence. He is not very expressive and it can be hard to tell what he is thinking.
fashion: Nim wears the typical clothing of a young, upper class man. He also sports a long wooden staff that helps both ground him to reality as well as helping make sure his path is clear due to enchantments on it. His gaze can make people unsettled so he sometimes covers them by wearing a cloth around them.
1877 | Ganymede is born to an upper class pureblood couple and is ultimately their youngest child and only boy. Later that year, Nim and his family are part of the exodus of magical families moving to Hogsmeade. |
1880-1886 | Ganymede has always had an uncanny insight and perception of things and it becomes increasingly evident that he is a Seer. Over the next few years, he begins to lose his physical sight but not in a typical way. His Visions are so powerful and chaotic that he Sees possible futures of those around him rather than the physical world around him (for example, he Sees his one of his sisters making contact with the man she would come to marry, he sees fire months before Wellingtonshire goes up in flame). There is nothing much that can be done about it though aids are discovered over time such as his enchanted staff that helps him keep grounded in reality and helps guide him places by warming in his palm if there is an obstacle in his path and tingling if there is a turn. Nim also adopts a part-kneazle cat that acts much as a seeing-eye dog might and is quite protective of Nim. |
1888-89 First Year | Whether he should go to Hogwarts or not is an intense conversation. In the end, he does go and is sorted into Slytherin. It is a major adjustment and not without its issues but he makes do. His parents also pay for the education of a working class son of one of their servants in exchange for them assisting Nim. His parents also gift him with a new supply of quills that will write what he dictates. Luckily for Nim, his paid companion is also sorted into Slytherin. |
1890 | Nim takes on Arithmancy and Divination as his electives. The first couple of years at Hogwarts were a struggle, especially when it comes to practical classes. He struggles in Potions and Herbology which require a more hands-on handling that [Companion] or his staff both cannot always help him with. When it comes to spellcasting, he is able to discern where his target is by utilizing his staff though he does still have to rely on others to inform him if his spell was cast successfully. |
1892-93 Fifth Year | Nim takes his OWLs and scores well enough to go onto his NEWTs. [Companion] is likely relieved since this means he too will continue on. |
1894 | The blizzard messes with his Visions and the numerous timeloops crashing through his Sight make him physically ill. |
1895 | With graduation swiftly approaching, Nim is looking forward to life beyond Hogwarts walls. |
class | owl | newt |
Arithmancy | O | — |
Astronomy | E | — |
Charms | E | — |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | E | — |
Divination | O | — |
Herbology | P | — |
History of Magic | A | — |
Potions | T | — |
Transfiguration | E | — |
01. Is a powerful Seer. He Sees possible futures rather than the physical world around him, making him 'blind' though not in any traditional sense of the word.
amortentia: honey, peppermint
boggart: Losing his Sight, ironically enough.
clubs: Divination, Music
patronus: info here
romantic orientation: Homoromantic
sexual orientation: Homosexual
zodiac sign: Aquarius