The phrase needle in a haystack comes to mind as you and your partner are assigned to search Flourish & Blotts for a book missing a page. The page number, accoridng to your directions, will lead you to the address of your next mission—but only if you can find it. It seems, though, that you and your partner aren't the only ones at this stage of the hunt: another duo is also in the shop, looking for the same thing!
Bonnie Greyback Toby Seacoal Millie Potts James Callum
Does your imagination feel like it just can't perform as it used to?
Mid-thread crisis getting you down?
Unable to get that post up?
Is your relationship suffering because of your inability to satisfy your partner?
With a little intervention from The Suggestionizer your RP life could be back on track in no time!
--> Click here for more details <--
Known side-effects include: chronic ridiculousness, immense satisfaction, itching, uncontrollable laughter, burning, deep regret, despair, shock, horror, incidental dismemberment, joy, and death. Use at your own risk!