Myrtle almost laughed out loud when Holly Scrimgeour implied that she was allowed to be out this late at night. She settled for raising an impassive eyebrow and thanking higher powers that she was not the woman in charge of the Slytherins all the time. "Allowed? What makes you think you're allowed to be roaming the halls this late, Miss Scrimgeour? Do you think yourself above the rules?
Tilly stayed exactly where she was and stared down the young girl. She had to admire Holly's tenacity, at the very least. She herself had been caught roaming the halls countless times during her time as a student, off on one foolish dare or another, and had never been good at talking her way out of it.
Tilly stayed exactly where she was and stared down the young girl. She had to admire Holly's tenacity, at the very least. She herself had been caught roaming the halls countless times during her time as a student, off on one foolish dare or another, and had never been good at talking her way out of it.