Jamie nodded a bit stiffly when she said magic then went on to explain things further. He hadn't really noticed how bad it was apparently. When it was all one had, their only way of living, he supposed you just got used to it. And, truth be told, he wasn't in his shack a ton to begin with. When he was there, it was just long enough to eat and sleep. He did very little else there really.
"Thanks," he ended up saying as she went about her business with replacing the sheets. He moved into the kitchen and set to eating the food she'd left for him. The kitchen was immaculate as well and he couldn't help the wrinkling of his nose at the clean smell of it all. It would take some getting used to, that was for sure.
"Thanks," he ended up saying as she went about her business with replacing the sheets. He moved into the kitchen and set to eating the food she'd left for him. The kitchen was immaculate as well and he couldn't help the wrinkling of his nose at the clean smell of it all. It would take some getting used to, that was for sure.
Yay Bree Set!
![[Image: vymwYY.png]](https://cdnw.nickpic.host/vymwYY.png)