Aubrey knew this one. He knew a lot about the current Slytherins, because apparently people forgot that hedgehogs had ears (small, roundish ones) and often people didn't notice him anyway, curled up somewhere pretending to be asleep.
This boy, then. He wasn't new. Wasn't one of the worst people in the common room, those rotten rich boys - like Mr. Jailkeeper - who could not fathom a world beyond their own farts. Was a good working class lad, so he'd heard. Had a bit of a weird looking face, and a bit of a weird thing for preaching. Still.
Church Boy did not know him, however, as evidenced by the way he couldn't let an exasperated hedgehog lie, and instead saw fit to shove his hand in his face, shift furniture about, and all but coerce Aubrey into a corner. Not nice, dude.
I'm not your chum, arsehole, Aubrey muttered in meaningless hedgehog, as he trained his eyes on Church Boy's and kept perfectly, perfectly still, muscles tensed as he waited for what would happen next. He couldn't escape from here. But if the boy's hand came for him again -
This boy, then. He wasn't new. Wasn't one of the worst people in the common room, those rotten rich boys - like Mr. Jailkeeper - who could not fathom a world beyond their own farts. Was a good working class lad, so he'd heard. Had a bit of a weird looking face, and a bit of a weird thing for preaching. Still.
Church Boy did not know him, however, as evidenced by the way he couldn't let an exasperated hedgehog lie, and instead saw fit to shove his hand in his face, shift furniture about, and all but coerce Aubrey into a corner. Not nice, dude.
I'm not your chum, arsehole, Aubrey muttered in meaningless hedgehog, as he trained his eyes on Church Boy's and kept perfectly, perfectly still, muscles tensed as he waited for what would happen next. He couldn't escape from here. But if the boy's hand came for him again -
Formerly known as Davis, Elijah Urquart's pet hedgehog.