Ever since the Russian man had come to the house, Winston had thought this was a mistake. And clearly - clearly, if none of the wands liked him, he was right. They were going to realize he wasn't magic after all, and Winston in the wand shop was rather like Winston on mute - not-exuberant, standing still, biting his bottom lip as he waited for Mr. Ollivander to come back.
He glanced up at Aunt Elinor. He didn't know her well at all, but with neither Mama nor Papa willing to come - (or able, he guessed) - she was the only family he had at the moment. "Hogwarts doesn't send letters to people on accident, do they?" he asked. He wasn't magic. He was just unlucky, and now everyone was going to know.
He glanced up at Aunt Elinor. He didn't know her well at all, but with neither Mama nor Papa willing to come - (or able, he guessed) - she was the only family he had at the moment. "Hogwarts doesn't send letters to people on accident, do they?" he asked. He wasn't magic. He was just unlucky, and now everyone was going to know.