Tuni hadn't really meant to insinuate that he was awful at all. But, she hardly knew the man. This was her first encounter of him and she hadn't known who he was in the slightest until the article had been published. It wasn't anything to go off of, of course, but the fact still stood that she didn't actually know him. Not that it really mattered in the grand scheme of things. She didn't really need, nor want, to get to know him. Men were nothing but trouble anyways.
"I don't know that I'd be a credible source," she said with a shrug, "After all, I have only just met you. But if they were to ask, I would certainly go on record to say that I found you quite genial and a pleasant conversationalist." Surely that would help some.
"I don't know that I'd be a credible source," she said with a shrug, "After all, I have only just met you. But if they were to ask, I would certainly go on record to say that I found you quite genial and a pleasant conversationalist." Surely that would help some.
Another Glorious MJ Set!