Connie’s smile grew as she took a step closer, leaning in to get a clearer look at the, frankly, not even slightly age-appropriate content. The muggles of the middle ages had not been kind but Connie had to applaud them for their inventiveness when it came to torture devices if nothing else. The Scrimgeours and their sort probably thought they were all still like this. It would certainly explain a lot.
“I’m flattered. Though it doesn’t seem especially stiff competition,” she replied dryly, placing a gentle hand on Holly’s shoulder to steer her away from the devices she certainly did not need to know the purpose of. Really the Museum oughtn’t to have things that upsetting on public display!
“Be that as it may I’m very glad to see you weren’t caught in the fog. Are the rest of your family safe?” She asked cautiously, not having heard much about the more notorious Miss Scrimgeour since she had received a letter from the girl by her side.
MJ made me beautiful