What: A sleepover to comfort each other
Who: Laurel Potts is hosting on behalf of Calla Potts
Invitation List:
Alcyone Slughorn
Alice Dawson
Madeline Bell
Sisse Thompsett
[If I'm missing anyone let me know]
Potts sisters feel free to pop in:
@"Zinnia Potts"
Thistle Potts
@"Daffodil Potts"
@"Dahlia Potts"
Cost: No
Where: The Potts home in Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Why: Sisse didn't want to be alone when mourning and wanted to have all the GryffinGroup girls together, when Mrs Potts heard this she opened her home to all the girls (as there are no teenage boys on the premises).
When: July 9 following the funeral for Sloane Bixby
Contact Player(s): Sisse Thompsett
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom