Holly was aggressively competitive by nature, but even more so when it was in a subject she knew like he back of her hands. Potions was her one of her best classes, perhaps only slightly behind Defence Against the Dark Arts. She'd earned an O in her OWL exam without feeling too strained afterwards, and if she could do that, what was a little wit-sharpening potion?
Holly eyed her competitors, making sure to toss a half-hearted glare in the direction of Calla Potts (a habit at this point, not for any specific reason). Then, when given the go, Holly began. She meticulously measured every ingredient, stirred with care, and only when she was done allowed herself a moment to take a deep breath. There. All she could was wait.
Holly eyed her competitors, making sure to toss a half-hearted glare in the direction of Calla Potts (a habit at this point, not for any specific reason). Then, when given the go, Holly began. She meticulously measured every ingredient, stirred with care, and only when she was done allowed herself a moment to take a deep breath. There. All she could was wait.
— set by MJ <3 —