It's Not Me, It's You - Printable Version

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It's Not Me, It's You - Regina Lacey - April 1, 2018

February 28, 1888
What happened on New Years was a mistake, and I'm not sure I am not the only one of the two of us to know this. Only saying yes as a fear as what no would bring me, I have realized that if you do try to hurt me, I have several friends that are loyal and would quickly come to my aid. There is no engagement, and in the public eye there never has been. For both of our reputations sake, I suggest you take my lead and keep it that way.

Killian Tabiner
To anyone other than Killian, this letter is Regina asking to go shopping with Bella for the afternoon.

RE: It's Not Me, It's You - Killian Tabiner - April 1, 2018

February 28, 1888

I understand. Neither of us was in our right mind that night, and any steps further in this direction would lead to certain disaster. I would like to offer a new kind of proposal - something far simpler. Freedom on both ends of the agreement, in exchange for your assistance in another matter. One...rather related to this one.

We can discuss more of this later, of course.

Regina Lacey
To any who might stumble upon this letter but are not Regina, it will read as permission to go on this shopping escapade, with a small request for wand polish at the end.