It's Corona Time~ -
Holly Scrimgeour - March 22, 2020
I'm not social distancing yet, but I'm hoping my job will let me by the end of the week! In the meantime I'm working half-days (either 8am-12:30pm or 12:30pm-5pm) so I definitely have more time to be around and catch up on stuff. I have some stuff to catch up on but am slowly working my way through it, but I still have availability for some characters!
Archie Diggory [1/3 threads]
Bella Scrimgeour [3*/3 threads]
*I still owe Jo a thread so I'm getting on that!
Cameron Gillenwater [2/3 threads]
Charity Lloyd [2/3 threads]
— would definitely like something with available Darrows/Darrow-adjacents
Dionisia Fisk [2/3 threads]
— Interested in an emotional/physical affair! Let me know if you have a good fit!
Edric Umbridge [2/3 threads]
Eldin Bones [1/3 threads]
— Eldin wants to become a healer like his mother and sister, so let me know if you have anyone who's (a) also into that, or (b) is currently into that so we can do something during a Hogsmeade weekend.
— He's open to romantic attachments since that would be fun.
Ernie Nuffer [1*/3 threads]
*still owe Tristan a starter!
— open to reporter-y things!
Finnian Byrne [2/3 threads]
Flora Mulciber [0/3 threads]
Frida Lestrange [2/3 threads]
— it's almost prefect season!
Handsome Whitledge [1/3 threads]
@"Helga Scamander" [4/3 threads]
Hortense Selwyn [1/3 threads]
— have a Selwyn? Hortense wants to talk to you.
Lyre Carrow [1/3 threads]
— open for Unspeakable things and maybe hurling
Orinda Ruskin [3*/3 threads]
* I owe Kelly and Ocean Ruskin family things
RE: It's Corona Time~ -
Evander Darrow - March 22, 2020
I've got a Charity/Evander starter on my list for soon-ish, and would loooove a Rosamund/Eldin thread maybe if Eldin's home over Easter? They can chat healing ambitions xD
RE: It's Corona Time~ -
Amelia Evans - March 22, 2020
@"Adrienne Selwyn" is available for Hortense!! Id love to figure out their relationship.
Cordelia Fawley is the one I want to hurl at Eldin >D
Kingsley Wells is available if you want a male healer for Eldin to talk to, and also to hurl at Dio if you'd like! I feel like he'd more go for an emotional affair first and then the physical one.
I am always down for more Sunchie things and you know it
RE: It's Corona Time~ -
Acacia Darlington - March 22, 2020
Want a sibling thread for Lyre and Maida?
RE: It's Corona Time~ -
Cassius Lestrange - March 22, 2020
Ernie/Kieran or Lyre/
Emilia Moony?
I owe you a Dio thread. Possibly after the current Zelfred.
RE: It's Corona Time~ -
Roberto Devine - March 22, 2020
I forever have Royal and pretty much any of my students (maybe Darling?) for Eldin, and I have
Aristide Selwyn for Hortense!
RE: It's Corona Time~ -
Murdock Greyback - March 23, 2020
If any of your students needs a light bullying @'Cadawalader Selwynn' can be prevailed upon to give someone a hard time
If Eldin wants some final year advice and some safe teachering, Meserimus is available for a head of house talk - maybe to try and get the career
If/when Handsome is back from his portkey adventure he and Maddie could have an akward - 'Hey person I used to snog in broom cupboards' moment
I also play his boss, so either murdock being encouraging, or we could get him into trouble for something that was/wasn't his fault and have Murdock go off on him.
Lyre- Could hurl Ginny (UCPB, her mothers family are notoriously purist) or Natsuko (if he's not purist)
I'd still be up for hurling Helga and Samuel if you fancied.
And if someone wants robbed, harassed, or otherwise terrorised by a little shit- Yuri is your man.