April 1888 -
Aldous Crouch - March 23, 2018
April 1888
This month, the full moon will be on April 26th. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.
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[b]Who:[/b] Who is it for/who is hosting it? Who is invited?
[b]Where:[/b] Where will it be taking place?
[b]Why:[/b] Self explanatory.
[b]When:[/b] IC Date
<dd>Put any extra details here!</dd>
[b]Contact Player(s):[/b] Who can members contact for more info? Tag the main account(s) in question!
Witches of Hogsmeade Hospital Association Annual Spring Luncheon & Chinese Auction
What: Witches of Hogsmeade Hospital Association Annual Spring Luncheon & Chinese Auction – if that’s not a mouthful, I don’t know what is.
Who: Hosted by the Witches of Hogsmeade Hospital Association (Rufina Mulciber, Evelyn Abercrombie, Emma Macmillan, et al.). Guests will be members of the upper and upper-middle class, though non- and part-humans will find their tickets conspicuously lost in the mail. Hogsmeade Hospital HICs and AHs are encouraged, but not required, to attend and may purchase their plate for half the price.
Where: The Mulcibers’ Wellingtonshire home—in the garden, not the house proper! Passes will be required for entry, no exceptions.
Why: Fundraising for Hogsmeade Hospital—in particular, expanding the hospital’s garden to better meet the needs of convalescing patients and distressed visitors.
When: Saturday, April 7th from late morning until midafternoon.
In order to attend, you must purchase a plate for the buffet-style luncheon—3G each. Tickets for the Chinese auction are 1G each. An enchanted string quartet will lowkey provide background music, and Chinese acrobats have been scheduled to perform. A list of items for auction will be posted nearer to the date.
Atmospheric charms are in place to ensure a warm and sunny spring day, but one corner has a tendency to glitch and snow instead.
RE: April 1888 -
J. Alfred Darrow - March 30, 2018
What: The Avalon Expedition Gala
Who: Primarily UC patrons but open to upper MC as well!
Where: A magical dock on the Thames slightly upriver of the London City proper. Accessible via carriage from London or via apparition from anywhere.
Why: It's time to go on an adventure!
When: April 18th, evening
A large tent will be set up on the dock to facilitate mingling and cocktailing, with some enchanted floating lights to make things look more Romantic. There will be a last minute opportunity to invest in exchange for the honor of having some landmark named after you, and sailors on their best behavior will be giving tours of the two expedition ships.
What: The Sailors' Last Hurrah
Who: Friends and family of the crew, i.e. mostly WC and lower MC. It's not a well kept secret and there are no invitations required, so anyone who "knows someone who knows someone" can feasibly attend. UC/upper middle are not
barred from attending but should be mindful of their reputations.
Where: On the two ships themselves and the surrounding dock (no fancy gala tent this time).
Why: Let's do this.
When: 19 April
Atmosphere will be something between the WC Titanic party and a neighborhood block party. Leftover food and drink from the gala the night before will be available, plus plenty of mothers will be bringing in large pots of their sailor's favorite homecooked meal. The party will formerly shut down around two, though there are numerous hiding places throughout the ships and the docks if someone wants to pass out in one
or go canoodling in one.
What: The Launch Party
Who: Anyone can attend, but the atmosphere is geared mostly towards academically-minded MC men.
Where: On the pier as the ships depart, with a follow-on party in the nearby magical pub/clubhouse.
Why: And they're off!
When: 22 April
After taking a few days to recover from hangovers, cleanse the ship of unwanted visitors, and make last minute preparations, the
Ophelia and the
Voyager are finally setting sail. Anyone with a stake in the expedition can come and bid them farewell as the two ships depart. Those inclined to stick around and celebrate can then move to the nearby club house, which will have a few maps of the Thames and the sea surrounding Britain enchanted to show the progress of the two vessels. The after-party is geared mostly towards those wealthy enough to have the ability to waste an afternoon hanging around drinking, middle class enough not to find doing so distasteful, and academically inclined enough to enjoy discussing the potential outcome of the expedition for multiple hours. It's a very select group, really. If there are threads here I anticipate they'll mostly be from the friends and family of those sorts of people who are bored and want to go home already xD
RE: April 1888 -
Cassius Lestrange - March 31, 2018
What: Ministry of Magic Open House #1
Who: One of Minister Ross' transparency initiatives, the MoM will be hosting a Q&A meeting in Hogsmeade Hall. Coffee + lite snacks provided. All department/office heads or assistant heads are invited to attend (and sTRONGLY encouraged to by the Minister's office) ((Ross will also be there)) and the event will be open to the public. Specific invites issued to the press.
Where: Hogsmeade Hall
Why: Let's Politic
When: Wednesday, April 11, Evening.
RE: April 1888 -
Ursula Black - March 31, 2018
What: Ursula's Birthday: A House Party
Who: UCPBs - no children, no debutantes, no werewolves (secret or otherwise) cuz full moon bitches. Nothing spoils parties like a lycanthropic mass-mauling.
Where: The country estate in Cumbria
Why: Ursula's lives in vague hope of having a half decent birthday.
When: April 26th - 29th.
26th: Fancy dinner followed by smoking, alcohol, socializing. and tipsy parlor games.
27th: Lunch and tea in the garden followed by a little riding and shooting for the men. Same evening activities as 26th.
28th: Fancy luncheon overlooking the sea followed by archery and lawn games. Lowkey ball in the evening with light nibbles throughout rather than a full on dinner. No one wants to barf mid-dance.
29th: Casual lunch, do whatever. People slowly gtfo.