Deck the Halls - Printable Version

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Deck the Halls - Ailsa Fraser - December 11, 2019

11th December, 1889 - Fraser Household

When it came to Christmas in the Fraser household Ailsa had never been known to practice the idiom that less was more. It was a perfectly silly phrase – of course less wasn’t more, more was more and every time Ailsa had found an empty nook of her home she had immediately thought more. Thus there was scarcely a square foot of the house that was not bedecked with some manner of decoration and nothing in Ailsa’s purview had been given quite as much attention as the tree. Every year her children looked at her efforts with furrowed brow and every year Ailsa was determined to do better.

This year she was sure she would be victorious.

Their home, modest though it was in theory, was easily charmed into doing her bidding and thus Ailsa had managed to fit an evergreen into the dining room that reached at least twenty feet and still fell short of the rudimentarily enchanted ceiling. It was her pride and joy this year and, emboldened by her decorative victory earlier in the year, Ailsa had designed the tree to have a particularly Nordic vein. Thus each of the Gods her children were named for were represented on the tree in a variety of sashes and papier-mâché weapons that she was sure they would enjoy after her efforts at being more traditionally Christmassy had led to poor reviews; the subtle nods to Ewart were also weaved in there and she was quite sure he would pick up the messages of love, devotion and sexual predilections they both enjoyed...

Merrily twirling around the room as she placed her homemade objet d'art Ailsa spared little thought for the fact that her enchanted fairy lights might be capable of bringing on a headache or for the scent of the greenery being mildly overwhelming. After so much space at Hogwarts she was quite sure her younger children would be ready for something a little more cosy and really, if this time of year wasn’t for covering up boring wainscoting then when on earth was?!

[*Dear Frasers, please be aware your ceiling might well fall in during Christmas dinner if mama's dodgy charm stops working. Idunn Fraser Tyr Fraser Ewart Fraser)