House Points - Printable Version

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House Points - Charming - March 10, 2018

Hogwarts House Point Standings

Current House Point Standings

Click here for a detailed breakdown!

House Points can only be earned through IC threads - this encourages IC class participation and a more realistic Hogwarts roleplay area. Professors, Head Boy/Girl and Prefects can add and deduct house points. However, prefects cannot add or deduct house points from each other, nor can they add or deduct points larger than 10 for each task. Head Boy/Girl can add and deduct house points from prefects as well as each other. In addition, each house will earn 10-60 points each month to account for NPC students.

Detentions are often doled out in addition to house point deductions. Detentions in this era were most often corporal punishment: hanging students by their wrists in the dungeons for a few days, whippings, beatings, physical labor without the use of magic, or something otherwise dangerous to the student's person - such as entering the Forbidden Forest.

Earning House Points
House Points are earned in increments of five.

TaskPoints Awarded
Good Deeds (tutoring, assisting others in need, etc.) 5 - 20
Answering questions correctly in class 5
Being the first to successfully complete a task in class (such as a potion or essay) 5
IC Homework delivered via letter forum 5 - 20
Win a Duel in the Dueling Tournament 5
Win the Dueling Tournament 20
Join a Student Club (must be an active participant) 5
Earn a summer internship (counts for upcoming summer holiday) 10
Outstanding Service to the School 50
Win a Quidditch Match 50

Losing House Points
House Points are deducted in increments of five.

TaskPoints Deducted
General Rule Breaking (Late for class,  passing notes, poor behavior toward superiors and fellow students, disobedience) 5 - 10
Extreme Rule Breaking (Fighting, Insobriety, Thievery, Vandalizing) 15 - 30*
Fellow Student Endangerment 50 */**
Out of Common Rooms After Hours 50 *
Sexually Inappropriate Behavior with Other Students 50 **

* Automatic detention.
** May lead to expulsion.

If rule breaking is spotted in a private thread that takes place at Hogwarts, professors/student staff may PM a member of Charming's staff for permission to enter (if certain reasonable conditions are met) and dole out punishments.

In order for house points to be added or deducted to/from the totals, professors/student staff must post a reply to this thread with the below code filled out. These will be kept on record here.

[b]Staff Member:[/b] who awarded/deducted the points
[b]Points:[/b] +/- #
[b]Reason:[/b] Please try to be specific but not prolific.

RE: House Points - Edelweiss Prewett - February 28, 2025

Student: Millie Potts
House: Ravenclaw
Staff Member: E. Prewett
Points: +5
Reason: Won a duel

Student: Kaatjie Spaans
House: Gryffindor
Staff Member: E. Prewett
Points: +5
Reason: Won a duel

RE: House Points - Gus Lissington - March 12, 2025

Student: Georgianna Shacklebolt
House: Ravenclaw
Staff Member: G. Lissington
Points: + 5
Reason: Actively participating in class (3+ posts)

Student: Kaatjie Spaans
House: Gryffindor
Staff Member: G. Lissington
Points: +5
Reason:Actively participating in class (3+ posts)

Student: Margaret Wallace
House: Hufflepuff
Staff Member: G. Lissington
Points: + 5
Reason: Actively participating in class (3+ posts)

RE: House Points - Elias Grimstone - March 14, 2025

Student: Charles Hutton
House: Gryffindor
Staff Member: T. Kirke
Points: +5
Reason: Won a duel

Student: Corinne Dursley
House: Hufflepuff
Staff Member: E. Brierley
Points: +5
Reason: Won a duel

Student: Lilibet Meadows
House: Hufflepuff
Staff Member: P. Black
Points: +20
Reason: Won the Intro duelling tournament

Student: Edelweiss Prewett
House: Gryffindor
Staff Member: T. Kirke
Points: +20
Reason: Won the NEWT duelling tournament

RE: House Points - Edelweiss Prewett - March 20, 2025

Student: Corinne Dursley
House: Hufflepuff
Staff Member: E. Prewett
Points: +20
Reason: Won the OWL dueling tournament bracket!

RE: House Points - Isla Bowen - March 21, 2025

Student: Georgianna Shacklebolt
House: Ravenclaw
Staff Member: I Bowen
Points: +5
Reason: Performance in charms class

Student: Katherine Arundell
House: Hufflepuff
Staff Member: I Bowen
Points: +5
Reason: Performance in charms class