Alfred Clearwater vs. Jack Humphrey-Mavis - Printable Version
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Alfred Clearwater vs. Jack Humphrey-Mavis -
Barnabas Skeeter - February 12, 2019
At least he hadn't had to moderate Maeve's duel. Merlin knew she'd "miss" on purpose and send a jinx his way. Barnabas reviewed the
rules with the duo before announcing,
"Mr. Clearwater, you may begin."
Alfred Clearwater Jack Humphrey-Mavis Elladora Black Tristan Michaud
You have 72 hours to post!
Please tag Prudence Browne in your replies
RE: Alfred Clearwater vs. Jack Humphrey-Mavis -
Alfred Clearwater - February 13, 2019
Should he wave? Would it be odd? He and the other fellow hadn't really moved in the same circles - unless you counted Quidditch - but they had been in the same school probably wasn't the time. Alfie bowed cheerfully and attempted to send a wave of water to distract the other man from his casting.
Roberto Devine Jack Humphrey-Mavis
RE: Alfred Clearwater vs. Jack Humphrey-Mavis -
Jack Humphrey-Mavis - February 15, 2019
Expelliarmus," Jack cast, hoping to disarm Mister Clearwater before the other man would have a change to hit him with his spell.
Prudence Browne
RE: Alfred Clearwater vs. Jack Humphrey-Mavis -
Barnabas Skeeter - February 20, 2019
The spells were both performed adequately - a tie. Ties were not allowed in duels however, so it was up to Barnabas to make the judgement call. While he disliked quidditch, he also couldn't very well favor with a man of the working class over the upper... especially not with his current reputation in shreds.
"The point is awarded to Mr. Humprey-Mavis, who will begin the next round."
Alfred = 4, Jack = 4
Alfred Clearwater Jack Humphrey-Mavis Elladora Black Tristan Michaud
You have 72 hours to post!
Please tag Prudence Browne in your replies
RE: Alfred Clearwater vs. Jack Humphrey-Mavis -
Jack Humphrey-Mavis - February 22, 2019
For his next turn, Jack decided to go with a classing stunning spell. "
Elladora Black /
Alfred Clearwater /
Prudence Browne
Please tag Roberto Devine in your replies
RE: Alfred Clearwater vs. Jack Humphrey-Mavis -
Alfred Clearwater - February 22, 2019
Not one to dwell on a minor defeat Alfie took it in his stride and prepared a shield charm for the next offensive.
Prudence Browne
RE: Alfred Clearwater vs. Jack Humphrey-Mavis -
Barnabas Skeeter - February 24, 2019
Again, the one with the lengthy last name pulled ahead.
"The second point - and thus the duel - is awarded to Mr. Humphrey-Mavis. Congratulations sir, you'll be moving on to the next round in the tournament."
Alfred = 4, Jack = 7
Alfred Clearwater Roberto Devine Elladora Black