Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Printable Version

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Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Charles Macmillan - January 31, 2019

February 2nd, 1889 — Howler Stadium

Charles hadn't been overly keen to preside over duels but apparently some lucky bastard had weaseled his way out of doing it and it had now fallen to him. Great. However, his mood had improved significantly since realizing that he would be moderating the former Minister's duel. It was against some rough looking stranger whom Charles couldn't recall ever having heard of but that would only make it better if he managed to beat Urquart.

He was struggling to hold back a smirk, or at least he was until the tedium of reciting the rules put it to rest.

"Mr. Urquart," the novelty of not addressing him as 'Minister' pleased him greatly, "please begin when you're ready."

Aldous Crouch Balthazar Urquart / Elias Grimstone Conall MacKay

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Balthazar Urquart - January 31, 2019

Balthazar Urquart had been doing everything in his power to avoid any sort of spotlight since his abrupt resignation and the scandal surrounding his daughter. But it could not go on indefinitely; the wizard knew he did himself a disservice by, essentially, hiding from the world. The former Minister of Magic had seen signing up for the dueling tournament as a small protest, to show that he was still here, regardless of what society had to say about it.

With a polite bow to his opponent, Balt readied himself before casting, Stupefy!”

Elias Grimstone

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Conall MacKay - February 1, 2019

Conall had spent far too much of his adult life too removed from Britain to care much about its Ministers of Magic, but since depositing himself in Irvingly, he had at least learned a little more about the last Minister's time in office.

But if he returned the bow a little stiffly, it was nothing to do with former policies or werewolf daughters, and more a sense of resignation, as he asked himself why on earth he'd signed up to this, when in fact it was less a duel and more a performance for a crowd.

Not particularly inclined to play to the audience, Conall stuck to what he hoped would be a sturdy shield charm.

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Charles Macmillan - February 3, 2019

It looked like Urquart had sent a pretty strong stunner MacKay's way but the shield charm just about managed to stop it. "And the first round goes to Mr. MacKay! Please begin the next, Mr. MacKay."

[Scores: Balt 6, Conall 7]
Aldous Crouch Elias Grimstone

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Conall MacKay - February 3, 2019

The satisfaction at the shield holding sank in enough for Conall's regret about this to subside for a minute. During that minute, he selected his next spell, another he had a little practice at - "Incarcerous!" he muttered, flicking his wand to conjure ropes for the binding spell.
Aldous Crouch

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Balthazar Urquart - February 3, 2019

Balt cast a shield charm.

Ursula Black

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Charles Macmillan - February 7, 2019

Charles watched eagerly for the former Minister's embarrassing defeat but was disappointed to see that his shield charm... had worked. "The round goes to Mr. Urquart." Just in case it wasn't obvious enough. "Please begin the final round, Mr. Urquart."

[Scores: Balt 7, Conall 6]
Aldous Crouch Elias Grimstone

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Balthazar Urquart - February 7, 2019

The wizard surprised himself by genuinely cracking a smile. How long had it been since he had properly enjoyed himself?

Opting for debilitation and good fun, Balt cast a sardine hex in his opponent's direction.

Conall MacKay/Elias Grimstone

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Conall MacKay - February 8, 2019

Supposing he had better stick to the defensive, since it had been serving them both well so far, Conall attempted Impedimenta, hoping that would slow Urquart and his hex down enough to allow him to dodge.
Ursula Black

RE: Balthazar Urquart vs. Conall MacKay - Charles Macmillan - February 10, 2019

If it looked like Charles was smirking it was because he was smirking. Just for a moment. Granted, he would have been more amused had the sardine hex been directed towards Urquart, it was still entertaining to watch him momentarily freeze and lose his advantage. Unfortunately for the former Minister his opponent's nostrils were doomed to remain sardine free. "Mr. MacKay wins!"

[Scores: Balt 8, Conall 9]
Aldous Crouch Elias Grimstone