Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Printable Version

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Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Nikolai Sleptov - January 30, 2019

February 2nd, 1889 — Howler Stadium

"I'll not go easy on you," he had reminded his daughter wryly in their mother tongue before reviewing the rules with both Petra and Mrs. Asteroid (he had heard many silly names since his arrival in Britain, but "Mars Asteroid" was surely among the most ridiculous!). It gave Nikolai a particular swelling of pride to see his daughter duel at a competitive level; Petra was no delicate flower who would wilt under pressure, even if it had been a duel that had taken the young witch's eye.

With a last smile at his daughter, he directed her to begin.
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Petra Sleptova Mars Asteroid

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Petra Sleptova - January 31, 2019

With her terrible dueling luck the last thing she wanted or needed was to have her father moderating her duel. It wasn't the first time but knowing he was right there watching and very literally judging, made her twice as nervous as she might otherwise have been. It might not have mattered so much if she didn't have a history of bottling it.

Her insides clenched uncomfortably as she readied her first spell in her mind. The odds of her winning the whole tournament were so small that it wasn't even occurring to her as a possibility but she did want to at least win one round. "Stupefy!" It was a spell she'd managed to perform non-verbally but feeling as anxious as she did she thought her chances were better if she actually spoke the incantation. If she was going out this round she didn't want any mistakes or regrets weighing on her mind.

Mars Asteroid

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Mars Asteroid - January 31, 2019

Mars wasn't all that nervous about dueling. It was just a fight with magic, instead of physically fighting. The spell that was sent her way was a basic one, and she was completely confident in her ability to sidestep it and throw the same spell back at her opponent.

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Nikolai Sleptov - February 1, 2019

Mrs. Asteroid's overconfidence seemed not to pay off, as she was hit squarely by Petra's stunning spell. Good, the Russian thought. It would have been rather embarassing—for him!—if his daughter's spell had missed the mark.

"First point, Sleptova," Nik announced. "Mrs. Asteroid, cast when ready."

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Mars Asteroid

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Mars Asteroid - February 3, 2019

Frowning at the stun that she'd failed to sidestep, she shot a jellyleg jinx at Ms. Sleptov

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Petra Sleptova - February 3, 2019

While she felt instilled with confidence from winning the first round, she didn't want to be reckless so played it safe with a shield charm.

Aldous Crouch

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Nikolai Sleptov - February 7, 2019

Petra's shield charm was a hair too slow, costing her what would have been a duel-winning point.

"Second point, Asteroid," Nikolai announced, with rather less enthusiasm than he had his daughter's point. "Sleptova to cast in tie-breaker."

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Petra Sleptova/Ursula Black

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Petra Sleptova - February 7, 2019

Perhaps she should have been more reckless. Not feeling overly optimistic, Pet chose a stinging hex for her last spell.

Mars Asteroid

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Mars Asteroid - February 9, 2019

Deciding to take another risk, Mars chose to try and give Ms. Sleptova a bunny ears.

RE: Petra Sleptova vs. Mars Asteroid - Nikolai Sleptov - February 10, 2019

Nikolai beamed at his daughter as he declared her the winner, Mrs. Astroid’s spell having missed the mark entirely and hit one of the other judges instead.