Why You Should Be A Wench -
Ophelia Devine - March 5, 2018
Hello Friends!
As I'm sure you're aware per
this announcement, we're currently hiring! You may have also noticed that there was no
Witch Weekly issue this past Sunday — that's because we're waiting for
you to come apply so that we can get our new team sorted out.
But what if you don't have time? This is usually the biggest concern folks have, but rest assured that I make
every effort to be courteous of your time. Assignments are usually posted
at least a month in advance, and you can write them at any time. Waited until the week of and something last minute came up? No worries; we're a great team and there is always someone willing and able to cover for you, as well as a stash of emergency articles you can pull from in a pinch. You can also request to be a
part time Wench, meaning you'd only write two articles per month instead of four.
But what if you're not sure about content? Do some article types just not appeal to you? No worries! You won't be assigned a specific topic or told what to write; we just assign by article slot and you can pick anything within that general category that appeals to you (for instance, writing
anything that would fit into an Article C spot instead of having to write horoscopes). If you're not confident in your ability to write main articles or don't want that kind of pressure, you can also opt out of those!
But what if you can't code? Or can't edit images? The coding is all done for you, so as long as you can fill out a template, you're golden! I handle all of the coding tweaks, so if you end up breaking something, I can
most likely fix it and you don't have to worry about it. The only thing I require from you all is that you proofread your articles for things like spelling and grammar. The image editing is very minimal for articles themselves - just cropping, really, and decolorizing or dulling down the color. You can do it in an online editor if you don't have Photoshop or a Photoshop analog. We also have a very supportive team who can help you out if you're in a pinch and need something edited. The more graphics heavy assignments (covers and adverts) are things you can opt out of, so don't let a lack of graphics knowledge be a barrier to becoming a Wench!
Applications are being accepted until March 20th, but if we receive a bunch of good applications we won't necessarily wait that long to hire/start producing the magazine again. So send your application in now and help us get this awesome gossip rag off the ground again!